11| what you don't know

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I went back into the office. "You will all be going on a live event to announce this. Now, do not in any way mention anything about new music or leak anything." Natasha smiled fakely.

Damiano and I left. We both got into his car and he began to drive. "I'm just going to say what we're all thinking.... she's a bitch." Damiano said bluntly, spitting the chewing gum out the window. I laughed at his honesty. "Martza was better. I'm sorry to say it." He shrugged. "Damiano!" I gasped although I started to giggle.

"What is this live event thing anyway? Instagram live?" I asked. Damiano nodded. "We have to get 'all the besties together' first." Damiano said in an awful American accent, making me cackle. "Ethan is at his apartment, Victoria is... probably not busy because she's been texting me and Thomas... I don't know." I scanned my mind for information on Thomas.

"He's not busy." Damiano stated. "How do you know?" I chuckled. He grew uncomfortable. "Telekinetic powers. You'll get it soon, it's a band thing." He joked, getting back to himself.

Why did Damiano always have the BEST replies.

"I'll FaceTime everyone to tell them." I suggested and pulled out my phone. I called the group and everyone eventually picked up. "What's happening?" Thomas looked like he had barely woken up.

"Good news guys, I'm the new member of Måneskin!" I smiled. Ethan and Victoria cheered loudly but for some reason Thomas hung up. Weird.

"We have this fucking live event so meet in the måneskin house at around 5." Damiano explained in Italian. Ethan and Victoria nodded. I waved goodbye and then texted Thomas the details.

Does Thomas not want me to be in the band? Am I reading too much into things?

The awkwardness wasn't covered by the bad music blasting out of the radio. It was almost worse. Damiano started to sing along to the song. It was quite catchy to be fair.

We started singing badly, ironically and it was so much fun. "Nobody's gonna love ya babyyyy!" We sang to the generic lyrics. He pulled into Ethan's apartment complex and let me out. "See you at 5!" He yelled after me. His car faded as it drove into the distance.

-------------------time skip--------------

"There's my girl!" Ethan opened the door to see me, and instantly grabbed me into a hug. "What do you mean 'my girl'." I laughed. "Give me a breakkkk I'm excited." I could tell by his face he was telling the truth.

"I'm gonna get ready for the live." I smiled and went off to my room.

------------------time skip--------------

Incoming video call from Victoria..

"CIAOOOOO!!" Victoria waved as I accepted. "Hey Vic." I grinned as I blended in my makeup. "You don't need that shit Rianna!" Victoria insisted. "Says the one!" I looked into the camera. "Enough flirting! How are you?!" Victoria tutted.

"I'm excited and also scared." I said as I applied lipgloss. "Scared?" She inquired. I nodded. "What if the fans don't like me? You guys have been together for so long and I feel like I'm intruding..." I nervously rambled.

"Nonsense. They'll love you. Not as much as me though." She winked flirtatiously. I knew flirting was a running joke in the band but somehow with Victoria it felt too real.

"I should get going. I'll see you there!" I checked the time.

-----------------time skip-----------------
We all posed for a selfie. Ethan wrote 'join us in 1 minute for a huge announcement!!!' and posted it to @maneskinofficial.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now