43| Come out and play

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"It all started with relationships. I've never been able to keep one for more than year..." Ethan began. "You're still young, there's time to meet someone don't worry!" I assured him. He looked at me. I raised an eyebrow. He was trying to tell me something without his voice. With his eyes.

"I can't... I don't feel like that. And I don't know why it feels like I'm broken. Im supposed to be incomplete without that feeling but I'm not. I'm the same as always." Ethan rambled quickly trying to get his emotions across. My jaw dropped. For once I knew the solution. I knew what he was going through.

"I know.. it's weird." Ethan referred to my shocked expression. "No no Ethan it's- I know what is going on!" I explained. He looked at me hopeful for an answer. "Have you ever heard of being 'a-romantic'?" I asked. My LGBTQ+ knowledge from when I was a 'very big ally' was coming in handy.

He seemed baffled by this. "Let me get the exact definition one sec..." I pulled out my phone and did a quick google search.

"Rianna if this is some sort of joke-" "No! It's not I promise!" I shook my head as the page loaded. I looked at the definition. "Aromantic people have little or no romantic attraction to others. They may or may not feel sexual attraction. An aromantic person can fall into one of two groups: aromantic sexual people or aromantic asexual people." I read out loud.

Ethan sat in silence. "I can't believe you Rianna..." he shook his head. Shit? Did I do something wrong? Is this not what he meant?

"You know me so well.." he said to my relief and hugged me tightly. I GOT SCARED FOR A SECOND. Is this his coming out?  I have so many questions.

"I'm aromatic sexual!" Ethan said out loud finally being able to come to terms with it.

Ethan's POV:

So I'm not weird or broken.. this is a real thing that other people go through? How could I not know this?

Rianna's POV:

"I'm so proud of you E!" I cheered at his finally happy face. He began going on a deep dive of research, even though it was definitely time for bed. All I could do was smile. The Ethan I knew was back and better than ever.

Would you like to join your sister and I for lunch tomorrow? We're leaving soon.

I ignored the text. The album is so close. I don't want to be bothering with family drama. I was still going to go, I had to. Otherwise they would be passive aggressive about it.

"I'm going to bed E, have fun." I giggled at his excitement, he waved as I went to the spare room. I had a great sleep because I had almost no worries and was very tired.

I heard the best sound ever to wake up to other than Victoria's voice. Ethan's voice. "Buongiornoooo!" Ethan hovered over me as I peaked open an eye. "Good morning." I smiled weakly, still not fully awake. "I'm going to the gym want to come with?" He asked. "That's an obvious no." I giggled, turning onto my side.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and headed to the gym. I took a shower and got dressed. I made myself some breakfast then checked my phone.

Does 1pm work for you and Victoria?
*location attachment*

I almost forgot about that. Wait... and Victoria? I texted Victoria about it. She answered almost immediately as if she'd been waiting for my texts or something. She agreed with the time and location.

I decided to post on my story since I love the fans reactions. I then put my phone on do-not-disturb and brought out my notebook. I may as well start on some work. I thought about my muse. Victoria. Her perfect blue eyes and round cheeky smile. Her blonde hair and cheery personality. My Marlena, if you will.

I looked her in the eyes now
I'm caught up forever
I wait for her replies OWW
I can't seem to forget her

I'm trapped under a spell but
It doesn't bother me
Don't know if you can tell but
I fall so easily

Fuck the fairytales
This is better than the stories
And If all else fails
You know I'll end up on my knees

I'm almost positive Damiano could come up with an amazing chorus for that song, 'For Your Love' style. I tried to avoid using the word 'begging' since it's a pretty iconic part of a lot of their songs. An hour passed and Ethan came back.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Hello to you too." I smirked. "I'm going to lunch with Victoria and my family." I answered. "You're not nervous?" Ethan asked, putting away his things. "Should I be?"

"Ciao Ri." Victoria kissed my neck from behind I smiled and held her hand as we walked into the restaurant. We went over to the table that my sister and mother were already at. I could feel both their stares at me, judgtngly. "Is that permanent?" My mother asked. I was confused until I realized she meant my hair. "Yes but it fades quickly." I answered, drinking the glass of water before me.

"How's the band going? Any new songs?" My sister asked. She didn't like to admit it but she had a giant crush on Damiano. But to be honest, who doesn't? "Yes we finished one just last night." Victoria smiled. Her accent was so beautiful I was almost embarrassed by my mother and sister's thick accents. Of course I definitely had one, but I was so used to it I couldn't hear it anymore.

We ordered food and began talking. "So Victoria, what do your parents do for a living?" My mom asked, tucking into her pasta. "He owns a soccer company, Ms.Hargreeves." Victoria explained. "Please, call me Mary." My mother smiled. I was glad they got along so well. Oh no. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. Please don't ask.

"And what about your mom?"

Of course she asked. Of course.

"Ehh my my mom passed away..." Victoria cleared her throat to break the awkwardness. "Oh- I'm so sorry.." my mom shook her head. My face went red even though I hadn't said it.

"What do you do as a living?" Victoria changed the subject. Smart. "Me? Oh I work for an insurance company." My mom said. To be honest my family was quite boring, besides my father leaving which I actually haven't talked about. Nothing needs to be said, he just...left.

"I hear the album is coming out in 2 days?" My sister took a sip of her wine. "Yes." I nodded. "Yes it is, then we have Europe tour." Victoria confirmed. "That will be fun! Traveling to see different places?" My mom was intrigued. "Well, it's not just seeing places we still have to work..." I nit-picked. She gave me a look.

A/n: sorry this chapter is a bit all over the place but yeah let me know your opinions!

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now