4| to her

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Victoria sat beside me and tried to calm me down. "Look. It will take about 10 minutes in total, it won't be that bad ok?" She said sweetly but I could read the nerves on her face.

Let's recap here: Damiano is and always has been the most popular in the band. The one everyone swoons over and makes edits of and posts about. Now he's gone because of something I did and I have to fill some pretty fucking massive shoes. "At least you're fluent in English! Now they can actually understand what we're saying!" Ethan had obviously had trouble with that in the past.

"It's just like a zoom call, but everyone knows who you are and your name and your favorite color and-" "That's not helping Vic." I laughed. That was the first time I called her a nickname. She almost seemed like a best friend at this point. I wonder what I was to her?

Thomas began to setup the laptop on the coffee table. "Don't fucking step on the cables!" Victoria yelled aggressively at poor Thomas, referring to her bass. "Ok! Ok!" His eyes widened at her sudden outburst.

I fixed my hair in my phone camera and joined the band on the couch with better lighting. The first fan entered just as I sat down. "Hi!" We all greeted her. She looked young, about 15. "Oh wow! Hello!" She gasped. She inspected closely. "Oh where's damian-" "he won't be joining us today sorry." Thomas acted like he had rehearsed that line before. "Don't interrupt her!" Victoria elbowed Thomas sharply.

"I'm Rianna by the way. I'm helping Damiano with some lyrics on the new album." I introduced myself much to her confusion. "A new member?" The fan asked. We all looked at each other. "N-not really." I shrugged.

"Do you have any questions for us?" Victoria smiled while changing the subject. "Yes.... What is your least favorite song of yours?" She asked. The whole band was lost deep in thought. "Uhhh.... I don't really have a least favorite but I don't like 'Imortale' a lot." Ethan struggled to say the sentence. "Oh yes I agree!" Victoria laughed guilty. "Mmm I don't agree. I love them all." Thomas answered.

"What about you Rianna?" The fan asked. I wasn't expecting direct questions. I stammered.  "Oh I agree with Thomas, so much work is put into every song that it is not fair to just... pick one to dislike." I explained. "Oh wow your English is very good!" She exclaimed. I cracked a smile. "Yeah, I'm Irish I just moved to Milan a few months ago so... i am fluent." I laughed.

It felt strange to talk about myself, I was nobody compared to the Senremo and Eurovision winners I was sitting next to. "Second question: what is your biggest fear?" She asked. "Oooh... I think losing my friends or the people close to me." Victoria answered. What a sweetheart.

"Uhh.... how you say it? Ahh.." Ethan couldn't think of the word so he did stupid hand actions. "Dalla altezze (Of heights)?" I asked like we were playing charades. Ethan nodded. "He is afraid of heights." I explained for him. "I say.... I am afraid of losing my loved ones like Vic." Thomas nodded.

"For me... probably claustrophobia." I shrugged. After another minute or so of chatter we had to love on. "Ok we have to move on now but it was so lovely taking to you, thank you for supporting us!" Victoria smiled sweetly into the camera. The fan waved goodbye and we moved onto the next one.

Before he could even speak we explained the whole no-Damiano-me-instead situation. "I don't mind not having Damiano it's ok!" The fan nodded.

"Oh then who's your favorite in the group?" I wiggled my eyebrows. "Oh, Ethan. I love you all I mean but, At first when I was starting to grow out my hair people made fun of me and y'know teased me but after seeing that Ethan went through the same thing and is now a drummer in a famous band and able to express himself, it really inspired me to keep going." He explained, pulling his hair out of a ponytail to show us. His accent was strongly British so Victoria had to tell Ethan the message in Italian.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now