37| Something New

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I woke up. The first thing I saw was Victoria's sleepy face. Such a lovely morning. The rain from a day or so ago was still clutching to the window in little droplets. The air smelled fresh but comforting and warm. "Buongiorno." I smirked in a tired voice.

I saw Victoria's lips turn into a grin, showing she was awake. "Buongiorno." She sighed. I scratched my head and sat up. Victoria's contagious yawn spread to me, making us giggle. I layed back down just to be in her arms again.

Let her hold me before the world turned to shambles again. Before it all went wrong. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

We stayed for a while before getting up. I followed her to her kitchen where she immediately started making coffee. Life finally felt right. Every puzzle piece for together. Well, that was only between Vic and I. As for the rest of the band.....not so much.

I took a shower and got dressed and so did Victoria. "What do you want to do today?" Victoria asked me, sitting down on the couch with chili. She kissed her face lovingly. "Nothing." I frowned, knowing full well that wasn't an option. "Actually, I don't think Giorgia set anything up for today..." Victoria thought, making my frown spin into a smirk.

"Don't get your hopes up, we'll probably write a new song." She warned. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. "What are you so mad about, I'm sure you have a song ready to go, no?" Victoria raised an eyebrow as chili tried to jump up on her. "I do... but my notebook is at Ethan's. I don't want to deal with all this..stuff." I said, not realizing how selfish I sounded.

"Wow, that sounded awful.. I mean-" I tried to redeem myself. "I get it, it's all a shit show." Victoria giggled. I got a notification from Damiano. Not a text, lyrics. "Oooooh what's cooking?" Victoria leaned over me to read.

"You know, I don't." I chuckled because it was in Italian. "It's top secret." Victoria teased, covering chili's curly haired ears jokingly. She kept on this 'secret spy act' for a few straight minutes. "It means.... 'for years you were invisible, but now you're all that I see.' Whatever that means." Victoria finally translated.

Sorry about yesterday

I sighed at the text. I really don't know why he thinks he has to apologize for everything.
"Is that Edgar?" Victoria peeped nosily. I nodded. "Invite him over, this is boring." Victoria sighed.

Want to hang out?

On my way

Bring my notebook!!

"Ahh! Edgar!" Victoria welcomes him in. "The king has arrived." Ethan lifted his hands, holding my notebook in one. I hugged him tightly. "Don't tell me you're spending a day off writing?" He looked at me with a serious tone. "It's my day off." I grabbed the notebook. Victoria got Ethan a glass of orange juice and we all sat down again.

Chili layed down on Ethan's lap and went to sleep. It was the cutest thing ever. "I have one song, but I'm not sure if it's your style..." I winced at the page.

"Show is anyway! Come on, us fans have been waiting too long!" Victoria whined. I smiled at her enthusiasm and handed her the book.

Tongue tied for the first time
Speechless doesn't feel right
And I'm
At a loss for words
Loving you just hurts

Lips sealed shutting my mouth
I can
Feel this all going south
Yeah it's
So hard to keep
Thing that I can't speak

I can't seem to get the message across
Whenever I try the meaning gets lost
Shut me up
Don't be afraid 
The Things I think
Aren't what I say
Quiet and observing
Yeah I'm
Slowly surely learning
That what
I intend to say
Comes out the right way
Shut me up
Don't be afraid 
The Things I think
Aren't what I say
Shout becomes a whisper
My walls are growing thicker
Start to paint the bigger picture
Know that this will benefit her
Even if it's hard
         (High note^^^)
Shut me up
Don't be afraid 
The Things I think
Aren't what I say

I looked at their faces, searching for any sort of reaction. "So??" I asked. "It's beautiful!" Ethan said seriously, making me know he truly meant it. "I love it!" Victoria exclaimed. "I don't think Dami would sing it, it's too slow...not very rock." I explained. "I'll force him to." Victoria joked.

"Speaking of Dami, I wonder how Thomas is?" I worried, putting my notebook down. "Let's give him a FaceTime, I'm sure he'll love a call in the morning." Victoria said sarcastically, as Thomas like to sleep a lot.

"Ai, don't do that to him!" Ethan tutted.
She got her phone and began ringing him. It took a while. For a minute I didn't think he would pick up at all, but he eventually did. "Ciao cobra!" Victoria waved at him. I lifted chili up into my arms because she was jumping at me, now awake. Victoria went silent. I looked over to see what was wrong.

Thomas looked not himself at all. He had a few bruises on his arm and face and had a split lip. I couldn't believe the screen. "What the fuck happened?!" Victoria questioned. Thomas put up his hood so you couldn't see it that well. "Niente." He insisted.

"Thomas for real, what happened?" Ethan asked. Thomas seemed embarrassed that there was more than one person.

"Why are you calling?" Thomas asked, clearing his throat. "Just checking up on you...are you ok?" I asked, leaning over to see more. "Oh great, you're there too." Thomas laughed uncomfortably. I was honestly worried for him. My heart sank.

"Just tell me Thomas, I can see the bruises!" Victoria insisted in frustration. "Fine!....

I came out." Thomas said.

I looked at Victoria, not sure what he said exactly. "Really? Last night?" We're on our way over, 10 minutes."  Victoria continued to question him, getting up.

She hung up the call and began to put her shoes on. "Are you going to inform me of what's going on or?...." I sat, clueless. "Thomas came out to his parents last night." Ethan explained, resisting the urge to teach me a random Italian lesson which he did in outbursts. "Oh my god...they did that to him?" I gasped. I followed them out of the apartment.


As soon as I saw his exhausted face, I pulled him into a hug. I couldn't let go of him. I couldn't stand the thought of one more thing happening to him. Ethan shut the door behind him. "You poor thing, tell me everything. We here for you ok?" Victoria pouted softly, making her way into his apartment.

It was quite small but still cozy. "Can I get you anything?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Thank you for coming. It's not that big of a deal..." Thomas insisted. I went to get ice for him from the freezer as Victoria and Ethan comforted him. I handed him the ice pack and sat down with open ears.

A/n: sorry this is so bad, I didn't know how to merge the two events so it's bad :((

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now