36| We're ok

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Sexual content between Ri+V AHEAD!!!

I'm probably reading too much into it. Maybe she's used to me kissing her?

"Garlic bread is ready!" Ethan called. I got up to eat. There were a million things wrong but somehow being with the band made it feel like there was nothing. Sure, all of the problems are to do with the band but that's not the point. The point is I've found my people. People I can relate and talk to. Even if it's awkward.

We all sat in Victoria's kitchen and ate the garlic bread in silence. Just weird crunches. It was disturbing. Ethan noticed Thomas wasn't eating. "Ai! Try some won't you?" Ethan insisted. Thomas shook his head, lost in his own world. Ethan did the 'oh come on!' look. Thomas did not seem in the mood.

Ethan picked up a piece and did an airplane motion to Thomas's mouth as if he was a toddler. "E, stop." I whispered. Ethan kept going, ignoring me and Thomas's obvious bad mood. "Open up! The airplane is landing!" Ethan insisted at Thomas. Thomas slapped his hand away, quite harshly because I could hear their skin slap together.

"I think it's getting late, I'll go home." Thomas got up and got his jacket. Ethan's face turned immediately into a regretful look. "I told you!" I whispered at Ethan. "See you soon!" Victoria waved at Thomas as he left.

"Could you not see he was in a bad mood-" "I GET IT!" Ethan yelled. That was the first time he has ever raised his voice at me. It was strange seeing this side of him. It was a him I had never seen before. That I didn't want to see.

"Woah, let's all calm down." Victoria put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to yell." Ethan cleared his throat in embarrassment. "It's okay. We're all pretty stressed." I assured him, no really sure what was up with him. "You know, Thomas was right it's getting late.." Ethan pulled back his chair.

"Hey, you're not serious? Come on, stay another while." Victoria laughed in confusion. "No, I really think I should go, Rianna are you staying here?" Ethan looked at me. I looked at Victoria who nodded. "Yeah, sure." I agreed, still baffled at the sudden outburst.

"Great. See you tomorrow." Ethan sighed, opening the door and shutting it. Victoria began cleaning up the plates. "Today was so..." I helped her. "Weird." Victoria finished my sentence. "Yeah... it's like everyone had drama in one day." I agreed. "At least we're still in one piece." Victoria smiled.

"Yeah." I agreed, not fully sure. Her hand creeped around my waist, casting butterflies in my stomach. Maybe we are still ok. "Love you Ri." Victoria said, resting her head on mine. "Love you too V." I smirked.

After we had cleaned up we went into the living room. "Can we not do this?" Victoria sighed. Do what? "Huh?" I questioned. "Watch a movie with the intention to have sex but then neither of us make a move." Victoria explained.

OH. "So...?" I raised an eyebrow. "Skip straight to the sex?" She suggested seductively. I bit my lower lip. She led me to her bedroom. As soon as we got inside she began peppering sloppy wet kisses all over me. I tried to do the same as I didn't want her to do all the work this time, but I'm not much of a top. ;)

Her kisses pushed me back every time, soon leading me onto the bed. She instructed me to lie down so I did. Somehow she still looked beautiful when she was looming over me. Every insecurity I had faded when I was with Victoria.

She pulled off my top and then immediately afterwards my bra. I did the same to her, in a hurry to show o want her to enjoy this too. I ran my hands over her breasts. I then took my index finger and thumb and began rolling her nipples inbetween them, a breath in each hand. A moan escaped her lips, making me know I was doing something right.

Her hand followed down my breasts to my crotch. She wiggled off my pants as I played with her boobs. Victoria pulled off my underwear and immediately got to work, leaving my hands empty. Her sly tongue kicked patterns up and down my vulva, leaving me a squirmy mess.

She then circle around my vagina with her tongue and inserted it. I gasped loudly, but I wasn't embarrassed this time. I knew how much I loved hearing her moans so it must have the same effect for her. Victoria's mouth worked wonders around my clit as she replaced her tongue with two fingers.

"Is that ok?" Victoria looked up, taking a break. All o could do was nod, since I was speechless in bliss. I grabbed my breasts as she kept going, in and out pumping faster. It got to the point where her speed was inhuman, rapid but somehow giving the insane smiling of pleasure every time.

I could barely move. That's when a knot started to form in my stomach, quickly letting me know I was near my climax. "Keep going!" I encouraged her in between gasps and moans. I grabbed onto her silky hair as she licked my clit up and down, working her fingers into me.

"I'm near." I managed to tell her. I could feel it taking control of me until I couldn't hold it anymore. My eyes rolled back. I shut my eyes tight. I released it, sending relaxation vibrations through my whole body. Victoria licked up the mixture that came out as I layed breathless. I guess it was all in my head. We were MORE than ok.

She hopped up beside me laying down. She turned her face to look at mine , spreading a wide grin on my face immediately. I pecked her cheek. It all happened so fast. Like a blur. Or a flash.

I borrowed pajamas from Victoria and we actually ended up watching måneskin meme compilations. The fact I was in the newer ones made me feel like such a celebrity.

"Oooh look at this, Rianna (måneskin) being confused by Italian for 2 minutes straight'!" Victoria giggled and clicked on it on her laptop. I watched as the clips zoomed in on my baffled face. Victoria was sniggering at each clip. I shouldn't have been laughing but her joy was contagious.

We watched videos upon videos until it reached 12. I brushed my teeth and we both went to sleep. I hope at least one problem gets fixed tomorrow. Is that too much to ask, no drama?

A/n: I found out a day ago that Victoria has a girlfriend irl so let me go pretend it's me. What did you think of this terrible chapter? (Songwriting next chapter, I just finished a new one and I actually like it)

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now