39| Lonely

924 53 48

The next day....

"Buongiorno Bella!" Victoria called as I went into the kitchen, quickly after I woke up because I missed her next o me. As cheesy as it sounds I've grown attached to her.

I kissed her lightly on the forehead and made myself some breakfast. "What's the plan for today?" I asked, hoping it wasn't something stressful. "Meeting with Gio about the tour I think." Victoria recalled. How is it that I forget about the biggest things? A European tour is not something forgettable.

There was a knock on the door, weird for 9:30am. I looked at Victoria who shrugged in confusion. I walked over and opened it, hoping it wouldn't be important since I was in my pajamas.

I couldn't believe my eyes. "Hi Rianna!" The woman said.

The Actual Fuck.
Are. They. Doing. Here.

"Mom? Monica?" I said out loud to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Victoria crept up behind me to see my mom and sister standing. "Come in." Victoria smiled kindly.

I was a mix of all sorts of emotions. Mostly embarrassed since I looked nothing near ready.

"Mom, Monica this is Victoria. Victoria this is my sister and mom." I introduced them, still wondering how they found me and why they flew to Rome. "Hey." My sister nodded, shutting the door. Oh god. They're staying to talk.

"What are you two doing here... you should've called." I chuckled in curiosity. "Oh, is it a bad time?" My mom asked, looking me up and down in my current baggy-t-shirt state. "Not at all! Can I get you anything?" Victoria said as the generous person she is and sat them down in the living room.

"No, we're ok." Monica insisted. "So, What are you doing here?" I asked for it felt like the 100th time. "We thought we'd come on a last minute holiday!" My mother grinned. "In September?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know, you think you'd be happy we're here..." Monica shamed me. "Yeah, sorry I'm just...surprised to see you guys." I shook my head. "When did you arrive?" Victoria asked, sitting down as if she'd known them for years.

"Oh, just last night." Monica switched up her mood so fast. She looked great for someone who has been in a car crash just around a month ago. "While you're here you should explore Rome! It's really beautiful when you-" "Vic, can I talk to you for a second?" I cut her off accidentally.

We got up and went to the kitchen. "What's wrong?" Victoria asked with a worry. "I'm really sorry about this I don't know why they're here.." I began to apologize. "It's ok! You go get dressed I'll chat to them." Victoria insisted. I agreed and went off, nervous about what my family might say or do.


I sat on my bed.

I didn't have the energy to get up. Although wide awake I felt like I hadn't slept in days. My eyes drooped like my face. I'm supposed to be the ok one. The therapist friend. But these past few days I've been quite the opposite. It's for a stupid reason too.


It's hard to explain. It's going to sound like I'm pitying myself too much, but here it goes. I've never been able to keep a long lasting relationship. Even if we both want to be in a relationship it never works out. I always somehow fuck it up and I'm back to square one, painting my nails on FaceTime with Rianna and ranting about it.

I've had plenty of hook-ups because they're easy. You just hook up and then don't have any emotional stupid stuff. You don't miss them. In fact most of the time I don't even get their number. And that's how it's been for the most recent while, hook-ups and nothing more.

Sometimes I feel like I'll never love someone romantically. It feels so impossible. Crazy. Look at me, I'm sitting in bed thinking about my awful love life. How pathetic is that?

But it's starting to take a hold on me. Damiano, Thomas, Rianna and Victoria are all dating and I'm the only single one. I'm the one who can't connect with anyone that way. I'm the only one who feels like this. I'm the only one.

I don't even have Rianna to annoy every morning anymore, she's off with the girl that she used to talk about with me. I don't have Thomas to help him study, he's off with the boy of his dreams. I don't have Victoria to teach me songs on the bass, she's off with her biggest crush. I don't have Damiano to discuss poetry with, but he's always been gone in love. And I have never moved loved someone in a romantic way. I'm nearly 21 years old and I've never had a girlfriend for over a year.

I'm the only one.

Damiano's POV:
I sat on my bed.

The bed that Thomas slept in just a few days ago. And now I've made the stupid mistake of opening my mouth and saying something I didn't mean. I bet Rianna has a song for it.

I don't make a very good boyfriend. I should've known something was wrong with Thomas. The way he acted, his body language. I didn't even ask him about it once. I was being selfish. I miss him more than I thought I would.

It doesn't feel the same waking up with an empty bed. No 'vaffenculo' when I try to wake him up. No him in general. I have to fix this.

Rianna's POV:
I walked back into the living room looking significantly better than a few minutes ago. I checked the time. 10:01am. They've been here for 30 minutes?

"No way! That's so cute!" Victoria laughed. My mom had probably told her some mortifying childhood story of me. "Ciao tesoro." She turned to me as she saw me coming in, planting a quick kiss on my lips. I froze. My mom and sister stared with surprise.



A/n: promise it gets less depressing CHDJCJB

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now