31| Rome

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"We're here Ri!" Ethan shook me from my half-sleep. "Jesus, it's hotter than Billie Eilish out here." I fanned myself dramatically. "Using his name in vain wow, I'm disappointed." Thomas shook his head at me, joking about me being an atheist. If being gay is a sin, we're all pretty guilty of it. I got up and got my suitcase.

"Are those fans?" I asked Damiano as we came out of the train. "No, they're holding a sign saying 'Damiano, Have my babies' for no reason." Damiano teased. "That's what it says?!" I coughed in surprise. "Italian fans are...wild." He nodded, pretty used to it.

I looked behind me to see Victoria coming my way. Everyone crowded is as soon as the whole band was there. "Ai, Ai, Ai!" Thomas sighed in overwhelming-ness. People were yelling all sorts of things. A fan called at me with a long few sentences but I couldn't understand the fast Italian.

"Rianna isn't good at Italian, do you want me to tell her what you said?" Thomas told the fan nicely as the rest of Måneskin signed autographs and t-shirts. The fan nodded. Thomas turned to me. "She says: Rianna, you have inspired me to write because of 'Lost'. Nobody understands how writing makes me feel and now that there is somebody who does it for a living, I feel represented and inspired, I love you." Thomas translated.

Woah, that's an impact. "Tell her: thank you for all your support and never give up writing no matter what anyone says." I asked Thomas. He nodded and said it to her. I never expected to actually influence people, maybe I should watch what I do more.

I signed t-shirts and took selfies and videos until nearly all the fans had talked to me. "Can I have a picture with you all?"  A fan asked. We all nodded and stood with them. "But not Rianna since she was only on one song." The fan pointed at me. I looked at the band for an explanation. "She is still part of the band, and she has worked on loads of songs you just haven't heard them." Victoria began to get defensive.

"They want you to step out." Thomas told me, finally a translation. "Oh, that's no problem." I nodded and went off to another fan. Victoria seemed mad at this. But honestly I understood, I had only been in the band a month and a bit, I wasn't liked by everyone.

The other fan had me sign a pride flag. "You and Victoria are a great couple." He told me in his broken English. "Oh, thank you." I nodded. I forgot we were fake-dating to protect Dami and Thomas. It slipped my mind with all this running around.

"We have to go now, but we have a concert soon so we'll see some of you there. Bye!" Damiano announced, pulling us all away. We had been in the train station for an hour with the fans. It was exhausting to have to be happy that long.

Why wasn't I happy actually, that's a good question that I can't seem to answer? I'm with my best friends in the entire world, I told my love interest how I felt and she took it well, Ethan sang my own song to me for 10 minutes on loop before I fell half-asleep AND I had millions of fans who looked up to me. So why was I not happy?

I don't know.

"Come back to my place, Chili will be there." Victoria suggested. "Ok." I agreed. "Text me!" Ethan yelled as I got in a cab with Victoria. She probably said 'I love you too' right? Maybe I didn't hear it?

"Chili gets excited around new people so, sorry if she jumps on you." Victoria explained as she unlocked the door. Chili immediately started barking like crazy. She ran up to me so I rubbed her soft coat lovingly. "Cocciola!" Victoria pouted cutely at her and began rubbing her too. "Why did you name her chili huh?" I asked, as Chili turned over for belly rubs.

"I guess that's a secret we'll never know huh?" She teased, getting up. "Your apartment is so...nice!" I looked around. It was minimalistically decorated but was still filled with intricate designs and colors. "Moved out when I was 19, I'm just saving to buy a house." Victoria shrugged, disarming any praise.

"Still!" I continued to compliment it. "You want some coffee?" Victoria asked. "Sure." I nodded, sitting down on the comfy couch. Just as I did so, there was a knock on the door. Victoria walked over to it. "Nica! Cosa stai facendo qui?!" She gasped excitedly.

My Italian was average enough to know what that meant: 'what are you doing here'. "Just coming to visit I haven't seen you in months!" They kissed both cheeks. Chili barked at Nica. "Ohh who's this?" She asked as she walked in more. "This is Rianna-" "Ohh of course! Hello." Nica remembered.

I knew who she was, Victoria's sister obviously. I thought it was so cool that she was known as Nica and not Veronica. "Ciao." I nodded. "My English is not good like Vic's sorry." She shook her head. "It's ok." I assured her.

"Well? Spill the beans, what have you been up to?" Nica asked Victoria, sitting down next to me. "The usual famous life." Victoria answered, handing me a coffee. I listened to the rest of their short conversation, which I understood quite a bit of to be fair. I got a text from Ethan.

Edgar 😎:
Thomas and Dami are definitely not watching a movie in the other room 😃

Bless his sole, his poor innocent sole. "Rianna is the writer yeah." Victoria confirmed. I looked up at the use of my name. "Oh yes I hear the new song...eh.. 'lost' yes?" Nica asked me. I nodded. "You should've payed more attention in English class you sound awful." Victoria teased.

Thomas's POV:

Damiano and I wanted to watch s movie. The closer we got, the weirder I felt. All I ever wanted was Damiano's touch so why did it feel so strange? Damiano turned down the volume of the movie. That's when I knew what we were doing. He turned to me with lustful eyes. I pressed my lips to his passionately.

He grabbed the back of my head just as I was ready to pull away, making me stay. He then began kissing up and down my neck, making me burn up in blush. He took of his t-shirt to reveal his many tattoos. I took off mine too. It had been a while since this happened.

He smirked dangerously at me as he slowly crawled down my body. He pulled off my pants quickly. Damiano seemed so excited. But I felt something in my gut. It felt strange, off. Then I realized why. I couldn't focus on Damiano, all I could think about was that he was doing the same thing Natasha did to me. It transported me way back. My body froze.

It was such an awful feeling. I didn't know how to make it stop, but I didn't want to tell him. I couldn't do that, it would ruin his fun. "Tutti biene?" Damiano snapped me from my paralyzing thoughts. I couldn't even lie. I wasn't. "I'll stop if you want." He instead, coming back up beside me again.

"I'm sorry.." I felt like I was letting him down completely. "It's ok! I don't want to make you feel weird." Damiano shook his head. It's like he understood instantly. The thing is, only Rianna knows about that situation. So Damiano probably thinks I don't want him. How could I ever begin to explain what happened that night. I couldn't even tell my own boyfriend to stop. I'm pathetic.

"Ok, well I have to go. But best of luck!" Nica got up and hugged Victoria. I waved at her as she left. The door shut and her footsteps faded. "Sorry I didn't know she was coming over." Victoria shrugged at me. "Oh no it's ok, she's cool." I insisted.

Now that I had told her everything I didn't know what to do with Victoria. It felt almost more awkward than before.

"Do you want to.. watch a movie or something?" Victoria asked, sitting back down. "Sure." I nodded. She flicked on the tv and began scrolling.

This is going to be a long day.

A/n: hate this, don't convince me otherwise. They're meeting the new manager in the next chapter 👀 how's that gonna play out?

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now