22| smile for the camera

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"Please tell me this photo shoot isn't one of those naked ones you guys do?" I buttered my bagel, sitting at the kitchen counter. "Ok, that was ONE time and no, unfortunately, it's fully clothed." Victoria explained, scrolling on her phone. "Unfortunately? Perv." I chuckled. "Shut up." She hit me playfully.

"You two are so gross." Thomas rolled his eyes, passing us by to go back to playing on the X-Box with Damiano which he had been doing all morning. "Fake-gross." I corrected him.

"How are we doing today ladies?" Ethan charmed, waking in with a towel wrapped around his hair. "Why are in such a good mood?" I asked curiously. "I like Mondays." He shrugged, pushing past me to the fridge. "Said no one ever! Come on, spill!" I demanded.

"Fine, the interview later today. My English has gotten a lot better so I'm ready to show it off!" He spoke in his thick accent. It warmed my heart to see him this happy over such a small thing.

"Has your Italian gotten any better Ria?" Victoria asked. Wow. That's a nickname only my very close family calls me. I guess we're...close?

"Uhh no. I only know very useless phrases from watching Italian TV shows and listening to you guys." I laughed, eating my bagel. "Like?" She continued to encourage me to speak Italian. "How the fuck does this thing even work?' That one is a quote directly from Damiano, the poet." I smiled.

"Hey! Despite the actual sentence it was pretty good!" Victoria cheered. "And also, 'Your fingers are almost allergic to the controller why can't you play right?!' I picked that one up this morning from Damiano too." I smirked.

"Very useful phrases Ri, if you're ever in a situation where you are playing FIFA with an Italian person and you are mad at them, you've got all the vocabulary." Ethan nodded sarcastically. "Right." I chuckled.

I finished off my bagel and took a shower. I got dressed and went to the living room to hang out until it was time to go. It was very quiet without Damiano and Thomas yelling at each other. I opened my texts.

I read over Natasha's text one last time to make sure I wasn't missing any clues. Could this good news be tied with me loosing all my work?

"Why the long face?" I got caught from my thoughts as Victoria strolled in. I moved my feet so she could sit. "Nothing." I smiled, making it disappear.

"I'm sure you'll find the book. And if you don't... I can be your muse." Victoria posed like a renaissance painting dramatically, making me grin. She already knew what was wrong before I said it. If that's not......

friendship I don't know what is.
I sat excitedly in the chair in front of the giant mirror. We were at the photo shoot and I couldn't stay still. It was so cool, I felt like a movie star.

I had my own trailer and everything.

A lady walked into my trailer with a big bag of makeup supplies. "Ciao." I greeted her. "Ciao." She grinned as she set up everything.

She began asking me questions in Italian and I just awkwardly sat there. "Sorry to interrupt- but I don't speak Italian." I put slowly so she had a better chance of understanding.

"Oh, Rianna is it? The one from Ireland." She remembered, picking up a brush. "Yes." I replied. "Well, my English is no good." She chuckled. "It's ok." I assured her. It felt strange having someone else do my makeup. Like I was some old rich lady in the 19th century or something.

I sat patiently, looking in the mirror every chance I got. By the time the lady was finished I looked stunning. Black eyeshadow that was faded to a Smokey-eye, perfect shimmers and highlights. I loved it. I felt invisible. "Grazzi!" I gasped at my reflection, aiming it at the woman. She packed up and left just after the hair stylist came in.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now