21| wake up

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I woke up in the night. Victoria was peacefully sleeping beside me. I sighed in defeat.

I sat up in boredom. I decided to get my notebook to work on some songs. Be productive since I couldn't sleep. I zipped open my suitcase and scrambled through as quietly as possible as to not wake Victoria.

I shuffled through tops and shorts and clothes and underwear. I couldn't find it. It's ok Rianna, don't panic it's in here somewhere.

But I don't remember packing it back at the hotel?
No. It's in here I know it.
I hope it.

I scrambled some more.

That's when I began to panic. "No no no..." I mumbled in frustration. Victoria moved into her side, making my heart drop because I thought I woke her. I shook my head. "Fuck." I said out loud. Where was it?

By now I had made a pile of clothes on the floor and emptied every single thing out. The suitcase was empty. No notebook.

I know it seemed dramatic. I know.

But that had 10s of songs that I was so proud of. What was I going to do? It's not like I could go back to Germany and just ask for it back. The cleaners probably threw it out. When I get really frustrated I begin to cry. Which is what started happening.

Ughhhh stop being so dramatic. Stop crying. Stop.

I couldn't.

The light turned on.


"Sorry for waking you." I winced as I saw Victoria's figure sit up. She squinted her tired eyes at me. "What's wrong?" She put her hand over her eyes to see me properly. I shook my head and quickly swiped any sign of tears off my face. "Nothing it's ok." I said, not even thinking about the giant mess I made proving that I in fact wasn't ok.

"Nothing? You look like you're building a fort!" Victoria chuckled hoarsely and came down on the floor to join me. "Victoria go back to sleep I'm fine." I got up to go back to bed. "No! I want to know. What's this new episode of Rianna's crazy life'?" Victoria insisted.

"I was planning some outfits-" "Really?" Victoria saw right through me. "I lost something. It was really important to me. Now can we go back to sleep?" I answered vaguely. "I'll help you look! What is it?" Victoria suggested kindly.

"No, come on..." I brushed it off and climbed back into the bed. "What is it?" Victoria asked again. I gulped. I was making it such a huge deal for no reason.

"My notebook." I mumbled. He face dropped. "For real?! Oh shit!" She gasped, making me feel like maybe it was important. "Where did you see it last?" She began in panic mode. She really cares this much? That warmed my heart. "The hotel. When Natasha came in that's the last I remember..."

Oh? Maybe Natasha... no... she would never right?
No, just because I hate her doesn't mean she stole it!

"I'll call the hotel and ask-" "It's half one in the morning Victoria, it's not even that big a deal." I insisted. She ended up coming back to bed and leaving it to tomorrow morning.

I eventually got to sleep after tossing and turning forever.
"Yes, we were staying in that room." Victoria nodded. She was ok the phone. Oh god, she was still trying to get the notebook back. I chuckled at her being so involved in my life. "Yes, I'll hold." She answered. "Good morning babe." I teased because I knew she hated when couples called eachother babe.

"Morning." She grinned. I heard a muffled conversation from the other side of the line. "Oh, ok. Thank you anyway." Victoria said in disappointment and put down her phone.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now