13| Promise

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After joking around for a while, Ethan complained that he wanted to go home. "Fine! Goodbye everyone Ethan is dragging me away!" I over-dramatically exited. Victoria hugged me goodbye and then left a quick sloppy kiss on my cheek.
A kiss?
A friendly kiss.
A kiss on the cheek.

A kiss on the cheek...
or a kiss on the cheek.

Overthinking again.

"I'll text you!" Victoria waved as Ethan and I left. I climbed into Ethan's car.
----------------time skip---------------

I got ready for bed. Life was starting to look up. Recording a new song tomorrow, being part of the band, the album coming out in 2 weeks.


The album comes out in 2 weeks.

Two songs that I worked on are going to be heard by everyone. Everywhere. And even more after that. How was this only occurring to me now?

A sharp pain took over my stomach as I brushed my teeth, making me bend forward. I spit out the tooth paste.

No no no.

My fucking period.

I groaned and put on a pad.

Sometimes I hate being a woman.

I climbed into bed and turned off the lights, filling to room with darkness. I soon fell asleep.

------------------time skip--------------

"Rianna?!" Ethan bursted into my room, waking me up. "Fuck off!" I smashed my head into my pillow. "Also knocking would be-" my sentence was cut off when I saw someone else standing beside him. Oh no.

I gave Ethan a deathly stare. "I'll just wait in the living room." Victoria smiled and went off. "Ethan what the fuck?! I look like this and you invite Victoria over? You could've warned me!" I rushed out of bed and went on the immediacy mission to find something nice to wear. "I didn't invite her. She just showed up!" Ethan defended himself.

"Tell her I'll be out in a minute." I showed him away. I shoved on some clothes and pulled my hair back to make it look presentable. I washed my face vigorously. I looked awful and puffed out but Victoria was waiting.

I snatched my phone out of its charger and headed to the sitting room. "Hey Vic." I smiled like she hadn't just seen me in an oversized t-shirt and a really-fucking-awful-messy-bun.

"Hey Rianna, sorry I woke you-" "No I was just about to get up." I insisted. "Yeah right." Ethan mumbled. "Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me?" Her comforting accent was all I needed to wake me up. "Sure!" I nodded. "Ok, Ethan... pllleeeaassee drive us?" Victoria pouted like a puppy at him.

"Fine!" He jangled his keys. "You better eat some breakfast Rianna!" He stopped me from leaving the house. I know he sounded assertive. To tell you the truth he'd struggled with eating in the past. That's why I never refused him. Because I would feel awful. Like he was watching me do the same things he had done for himself.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a chocolate bar. "You're lucky you have a fast metabolism." He warned as we walked out the door.

Victoria and I chatted mindlessly as we walked down the stairs. About the new album, about our lives but particularly about Ethan's new sunglasses. Yeah. They were cool but somehow still cringey.

Ethan sat on the car as he waited for us to get in. "He looks exactly like that part in mean girls: 'get in losers we're going shopping'." I sniggered to Victoria. She chuckled in agreement. "Don't have all day, ladies." Ethan sighed making us giggle even more.
----------------time skip--------------
"Where do we go first?" I looked at the huge Milan shopping center we were in. Victoria grabbed my hand and dragged me in the other direction.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now