40| Tour

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I looked at Victoria. She went red, forgetting I didn't tell them. "Are you two....dating?" My sister leaned in, very interested because I was the boring sibling. "Uhh.." I thought about weather I should say anything.

"€10 hand it over." My mom tapped Monica. Monica handed her €10 from her purse. "You two bet on us dating?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. Monica shrugged. "I can't believe you." I laughed. "Spiacente amora." Victoria mumbled, slapping her forehead. "It's ok." I assured her. "So you are?" Monica asked. "Yes." I said finally.

They seemed ok with it since I had already came out to them a while ago and I was bound to date a woman. "I love Victoria already so I support you two." My mom nodded. Victoria pouted cutely at the compliment. I checked the time. "Shit." I cursed under my breath. "Language Rianna!" My mother snapped. I was glad it wasn't Natasha nagging me anymore.

"We have a meeting about the tour in a few minutes so we should probably get going." I explained. "Oh? Are you going on tour?" My mother raised an eyebrow. "Mom, we've talked about this I don't have the time to explain it again." I said, putting on my shoes because Ethan had texted me he was outside.

"In such a rush to get away huh?" Monica joked. I flipped her off. "Rianna have some respect we flew all the way to Rome and now you're treating us like this!" My mother gave out to me. Victoria awkwardly stood, not sure what to do. "I'm sorry, we just need to get to the meeting now ok?" I said, hinting that they should leave.

My mom rolled her eyes and got up along with Monica. "It was lovely meeting you two." Victoria, being herself, said kindly. "You too Victoria, hope to see you again soon." My mom said as they finally left. I let out a sigh of relief as they went. "You should try being nicer to your family Ri." Victoria patted my back. "Not you too!" I joked.

We got downstairs and into Ethan's car.


"Ciao! Come in!" Giorgia greeted us as she opened the door. Ethan, Victoria and I sat down in the living room where Thomas and Damiano were. They were obviously still conflicting since they were sitting on different couches. "Before we start, Rianna I apologize for my not so great English." Giorgia smiled. I insisted that she could do it in Italian and Victoria could translate but she was determined to practice her English.

"Luckily, there will be a lot more venues open because almost everyone is vaccinated so we will be able to do most of Europe. That includes; Belgium, Netherlands, France, Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland..." Giorgia began reading out a list.

I was excited to show the band around Ireland even if it was just a night. "Greece, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark..." Victoria cheered at the mention of Denmark. "And finally, back in Italy." Giorgia sighed at the amount of countries. "That's a lot." I observed. "World DAMI-nation." Damiano made an awful pun.

Giorgia smiled at it. I'm glad that they were somewhat friends. "The tickets are going on sale two days after the album so make sure to promote them on your instagrams." She got back on track. We all nodded. Ethan hardly ever uses social media so I highly doubt he'll actually do it.

"This goes without saying, don't spoil anything for the album and also try not to get some sort of life changing thing to happen before the release party, we need you all to look great on press." Giorgia said in her beautiful accent. "By life changing thing do you mean...." Thomas pointed at himself. Giorgia didn't answer that, almost clarifying it.

"Any questions?" Giorgia set down her clipboard. Ethan raised his hand like a student. "Yeah, do I have to promote on my instagram?" He said, almost annoyed. "Just try it out." Giorgia giggled at his boomer sense of personality, even though he was only 20 years old, he acted like our parent.

Ethan's POV:
After forcing myself to get up and come no one even noticed I'm different. I don't want to pity myself like this but I know if even the slightest thing is up with someone in the band. Rianna asked me if I was ok a few days ago but we never got to talk about it. The thing is I don't feel lonely without a partner. That's what makes me scared. I'm not scared of being alone but I'm scared I  don't want to love someone like that...

Damiano's POV:
I stared at Thomas. I knew he felt my stare but he still couldn't look at me back. That's when I knew I made a mistake. I'll tell him straight after we finish this-

"Ciao??" Giorgia waves in front of my focused face. "Sì?" I asked like nothing happened. She smirked slightly, looking over at Thomas then at me. "Everyone is dating huh?" She laughed, going back to her clipboard after making sure I was listening. Ethan shifted in his seat uncomfortably. There's something up with him. But I have to focus on Thomas first.

The meeting ended around lunchtime so we all decided to go out together. Ethan offered Thomas a lift but Damiano insisted he take him. I'm pretty sure they were going to make up which made me smile.

Once we had ordered, I saw that Thomas and Damiano were being as lovey-dovey as ever. Ethan seemed so strange. Like he was replaced by someone completely different. "Tutti bene?" I asked him. He nodded but I knew it wasn't the truth. I didn't want to make him say it in front of everyone so I guess we have to wait for a right time. If there ever is one.

"When I say vino...you say.." Victoria looked at me cheerfully. "Pesca." I mumbled. I don't know what it is but when my friends are sad I get sad. Contagious sadness. That's a cool idea. I wrote it in the notes on my phone.

A/n: SHUSH AT LEAST DAMI AND THOM ARE BACK. The new album is only 2 days awayyyyyy

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now