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"Have you learned much Italian from being here?" my sister asked, attempting to embarrass me. "I'm sorry about my family they never shut the fuck up." I said in Italian and sipped on the wine in front of me. My mother thought I said something intelligent so she was impressed. Victoria giggled.

I just wanted to get back to writing and working for once. The conversations weren't much better as we ate. Just basic facts I already knew about everyone.

Finally, we agreed to splitting the bill after my mother insisting heavily to pay and Victoria arguing back. We paid and said our goodbyes. "Lovely seeing you again, have a safe flight!" Victoria hugged both my mom and Monica. "Arrive-a-deechi." My mother completely mis-said 'arrivederci' making me go red in embarrassment.

"Ciao." I smiled fakely as both Victoria and I walked out. "What a fucking nightmare." I sighed as we stepped into the cooling air. "They're not that bad Ri!" Victoria shouldered me. "What do we do now?" I looked around at the busy street. Funny how we always complain about being busy and then never have things to do.

"I'll get Ethan to pick us up. Unless he's with a new girlfriend..." Victoria rolled her eyes. She noticed my lack of amusement to that statement. I feel like she's catching on. Ethan said he was on his way so we stood in front of shops and looked in, judging all the clothes.

"What about that one?" Victoria pointed at a shirt with huge (intentional) rips in the middle of it. "To me it says..." I thought. "Ugly?" Victoria finished. "No, I was thinking more...shark attack." We both erupted into laughter, causing a few states but we didn't care.

I didn't care what anyone thought anymore. I found the love of my life and I'm laughing with her right now, if you have a problem with that you can mind your own business.

Victoria connected her phone to Ethan's car. 'Forget her' by Girl In Red began playing.

'I spend... all my days...'

Victoria looked at me, us both in the backseat. Her eyes hadn't changed since the first time I saw her, in Ethan's living room in Milan.

' Just trying to forget her face...'

Her smile hadn't changed. Still the wisest one I've ever seen. No matter how awful things were, her paper white teeth were always on show.

'She's so hard to erase...'

That's the moment I knew. Victoria wasn't someone I could be with, or live with.

'I don't think she can be replaced...'

She was someone I couldn't be without, or live without.

"SHE STOLE MY HEART AND RAN AWAYYYY!" Victoria waved her arms as if she was in the audience at a concert. "LEFT ME WITH SOME THINGS TO SAY!" I sang along. We looked at eachother. Two lovers in a backseat of their best-friends car.

"I DON'T UNDERSTANNNNND!" We sang very loud, causing Ethan to turn the dial of the volume down. Victoria and I began giggling for no reason. It brought me back to the night in Milan, where that fight between Dami and Thomas happened. But before all that, when I realized I had a crush on her.

And now look at us. Happier than ever, not like the Billie Eilish song, but for real. I've never felt this happy. This sure about a person.

The love of my life
If that's what it's called
Soon to be wife
It's her smile's fault

I couldn't shut off the writing part of my brain. Soon to be wife? We've barely been dating a month, get over yourself Rianna,

"Why are we at Dami's?" Victoria said, snapping me out of admiration. I looked around, we were in fact at Damiano's apartment complex. "He wants to go over some plans for the shows on tour." Ethan shrugged, not questioning it.

"Shouldn't he tell all that to Giorgia?" I raised an eyebrow as Ethan began to get out."He's just in a silly goofy mood,I guess." Victoria quoted a meme, making me chuckle.

I sat beside Thomas. He had some makeup on so it looked like nothing had even happened to him this past week, poor soul. "Welcome everyone!" Damiano clapped as we sat down in his tiny apartment. "What is going on?" I laughed. "Magic." He said bluntly.


"This tour is big, so we need to go big or go house." Damiano explained. "You mean go big or go home?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah, what I'm saying is we need to have a wow-factor." Damiano ignored my correction. "Which is?" Ethan asked, nervously.

"Crowd dives, pyro, confetti, bringing fans onstage... everything." Damiano explained. "Where is the budget for all this?" Thomas asked. "I'm sure it'll squeeze in there somehow..." Damiano flipped his hand.

"As exciting as this sounds, maybe talk to Giorgia about it first." I suggested. He seemed annoyed by this. "The album comes out the day after tomorrow, she's not going to let me add changes." He whined like a toddler. "And you think we can add pyro and confetti to every venue for you?" Victoria confirmed.

"Forget it!" He admitted defeat and flopped down beside me. "We'll be able to do something big don't worry." I assured him, patting his shoulder. It was deeper than just decoration. It was something else he wanted.

"We have to get packing, the tour starts next week." I stood up. Victoria waved at Damiano as we walked out to go to our original destination.

There was most of my stuff at Ethan's, so I packed that. There was some clothes over at Victoria's but I decided to leave it for now and finish packing later. "I made lasagna!" Ethan yelled from the kitchen. I dropped the t-shirt I was folding and sprinted to the source of the delicious smell.

"Mi amore!" I gasped. "Awh!" Ethan put his arm around me. "I meant the las-.." I decided to let him have his moment.

After eating, I watched some Netflix and got ready for bed.

2 days to go.

A/n: hi? Bye.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now