16| hotel

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A/n: pls don't be mad at me I want it to be a slow burn
I struggled to even make a sound. My heart felt like sirens going off in my head, driving my brain insane.

"No...no-.. sorry." I coughed fakely and turned away. "Rianna-" "No." I cut her off and ran to the bathroom. I didn't know what to do. I mean how the fuck do you talk to someone after seeing that? I frowned in awkwardness at myself in the mirror.

No wait, I'm being dramatic. Everyone masturbates right? It's no big deal.

"Tutti bene?" Victoria knocked. "Yeah I just don't feel well." I lied and sat on the closed toilet. I just needed to pretend like it never happened. I flushed the toilet to make it seem like I had gotten sick. Pretty believable right? I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I climbed back into bed. I shut my eyes and wished for this to be an awful anxious nightmare. I didn't open them. Not once.
------------------time skip-----------
"Come on!" Victoria shook me. "Ahh shit!" I looked at the time. 7:50am.

Victoria was already showered and dressed. I didn't have time to shower, we had to be in the lobby by 8. I quickly got changed, not really giving a shit about Victoria seeing me since she was on her phone.

I decided not to make it awkward. Just treat her the same. The weather was awfully windy and wet which didn't help my mood. "Come on, let's go." Victoria hopped up once I was dressed. I pulled my hair back and stuffed clothes into my bag. "You're very unprepared." Victoria teased. "Shh!" I slapped her lightly and we both went downstairs.

"Victoria, Rianna!" Natasha greeted us as the elevator doors opened. "Ciao." I sighed. " I have some bad news.." She began as we joined the others. Rain poured down outside.

"Cosa?" Damiano questioned. "The flight is postponed due to a storm. We have to stay here an extra day." Natasha explained. Everyone groaned in inconvenience.

I secretly wanted to stay longer. The hot weather in Milan was almost too much during the summer. "Let's get breakfast then." Thomas suggested and started to walk towards the hotel restaurant. Everyone was in quite a tired mood, so there wasn't the usual chatter.

-------------------time skip--------------
"So you got her number?" Damiano asked Ethan who was telling us about an interaction he had with a German lady. Ethan nodded. "You're such a player." Thomas laughed, eating the last of his cereal. "What's the plan for today guys?" I asked, putting down my finished plate.

"Have a chill day and then get really drunk." Victoria nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I smirked. "Is the album ready?" Natasha asked out of the blue. "What do you mean ready?" Damiano narrowed his eyebrows. "I mean do you have all the songs you want on it? All recorded and ready?" Natasha looked at us all.

I didn't feel like it was my question to answer. They'd recorded all their other songs plus Lost. The album comes out in two weeks so I'm pretty sure it was too late to add new songs. Not that I was complaining, to be honest it wa better because I had time to perfect the others.

"Yeah I think so." Ethan replied. "So...we can start promotion?" Natasha clarified. Everyone nodded. "Great, write this down in your calendars everyone...." She opened a notepad. I opened the calendar on my phone.

"Monday, photo shoot at 2pm, interview at 5pm. Tuesday, meeting to discuss cover art and tracklist at 1." She read out. I added it all even though I knew that I most likely wasn't needed st the events. "I've got to go, behave yourselves." Her motherly side came out. She left the restaurant.

"Jesus, she's a pain." Damiano groaned, checking his phone. "Excuse me? Are you guys måneskin?" A tall girl came up to our table. I looked nothing near presentable. Maybe I shouldn't care about my looks....no...I look awful.

"Do you want a picture?" Ethan asked. She nodded shyly. We all posed for a selfie. "Thank you, can't wait to hear the new album." She smiled and walked off. "And I can't wait to get drunk." Thomas mumbled. To be fair we had had a pretty stressful week with all the drama.
-------------------time skip----------------
Victoria and I spent the day in our hotel room, chatting with music playing in the background. I loved everything about how we connected. Sometimes she knew what I was going to say before it left my mouth.

"Play your playlist!" Victoria suggested. "Ahh...no it's not-" "Oh go on!" She encouraged. I wasn't sure if she listened to half the same stuff.

I hit play and prayed it wouldn't be some 2016 song.

' Two ghosts' by Harry Styles begun to play.

"Of course I know this! It's a classic!" Victoria 'duh-ed'. It seemed like Harry was like the soundtrack to us. "We're not who we used to beeee.." Victoria hummed along. The lyrics hit differently when I really thought about them.

"Oh! I can play this on bass!" She remembered and scrambled to find her bass. She began playing it along with Spotify. "What a talented lady." I flirtatiously looked.

The next song played.

'Fight or Flight' by Conan Gray.

"Oh this is cool." Victoria vibes along with it. "Fight or flight I'd rather die than have to cry in front of youuuu." I sang along quietly. Well shit. These lyrics really did relate. "Fight or flight i's rather lie than tell you I'm in love with you...." I trailed off. Victoria added it to her playlist which I took as a compliment.

We listened to a whole lot more and talked about everything. It was really freeing but nerve racking to tell her everything about me. But then again, I know everything about her and have seen her naked twice so I guess you could say we're close.
---------------------time skip-----------
It was around 9pm and we were both bored out of our minds. "Thomas probably has some alcohol in his room. I'll go check." Victoria stretched. "I'll get Damiano." I nodded and we both went separate ways.

I knocked on Damiano's door. No answer. I knocked again. "Chi è?" I heard him call out with a sniffle. "Rianna." I answered. The door opened to reveal a teary-eyed Damiano. "Are you ok?" I gasped. He wiped his face casually. "I just miss Giorgia that's all." He shrugged. "That sucks." I empathized. "Wanna get drunk to forget?" I offered.

I pulled him to Thomas's room, like it was going to solve the problem. But it might help to have people other than Victoria and I, so I don't feel like throwing up with anxiety.

A/n: Vic+ Rianna's first kiss coming soon...

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now