6| She said

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"Speaking of puppies where's yours? Chili right?" I smiled, changing the subject. "Ahh! My baby is back in Rome with my family." Victoria pouted. We thought up ideas of what to do. "Karaoke?" I suggested. Her eyebrows raised. I don't mean to be rude but Victoria isn't a very good singer, so I knew this would be fun.

"What songs?" She went into her Spotify. "I don't know just shuffle your playlist." I shrugged, eager to get dancing. "Yes but you wouldn't know any. They're mostly in Italian." She showed me. I took out my phone and tried to ignore all the notifications.

"Pick an artist." I tapped on the search bar. "Uhh...". Victoria snapped her fingers as she tried to think of one. "You know what? We'll just do your guys' songs." I shrugged, tapping on Måneskin. 'Zitti e Bouni' started to play. "Do you know any of these lyrics?" Victoria doubted me. "Mostly." I vaguely answered.

" Loro non sanno di che parlo!" I yelled as soon as the recording of Damiano sang. I hummed the next line as Victoria sung because I couldn't pronounce it. "Giallo di siga fra le ditta ! Io con la siga camminando!" I sang the Italian lyrics, much to Victoria's surprise. We sang our hearts out and danced around the kitchen.

"SONO FOURI DI TESTAAAAA! MA DIVERSO DE LORO!" We started to get closer and closer. Then the bridge came. Victoria and I's faces were closer than they have ever been. I could see right into her eyes. "Parla la gente purtroppo parla..." Victoria whispered raspily, making me go wild inside. Was she always this hot?

"Non sa di che cosa parla..." I lowered my voice. She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. This was such a cliché movie scene. But I wasn't into her like that. No no no. Of course not. Victoria and I were becoming so close.

But for some reason my lips felt extra lonely without hers. Like they were urging for me to push that little bit closer just to get a taste. Her hot breath made it harder to resist. I realized I had just zoned out completely. "Are you good?" Victoria chuckled, standing back. "Yeah, yeah I'm- just tired." I fakely coughed. The song raged on in the background but the mood was now weird.

I paused it on my phone. "We should probably head to bed. I'm kind of tired too." Victoria nodded.



I followed her to a room with one bed. One bed. I tried not to let my panic shine through. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then walked back into the room.

Victoria immediately took off her top, revealing her lacy bra. I shielded my eyes. It felt wrong to look at her. "It's ok. We're both girls." Victoria teased my innocence.

She's right. We are both girls. Maybe that's why I'm feeling so wrong.

She continued to strip until she was completely naked. Showing everything.I pulled off my top reluctantly. I hated the way I looked.

My bulging stomach always overflowing my clothes, my lumpy arms, my stubby legs and sagging breasts. That's why I try to avoid mirrors.

Victoria hopped into the bed. I took off my clothes quickly as to make it less awkward. Then I got into the bed with her, concealing myself with the covers. "You don't have to hide love." She kissed my forehead. God she made it so hard to be platonic.

I turned over and she switched off the lamp. "Bouna Notte" she whispered. "Bouna Notte." I replied bluntly. I could already feel her cringing at my pronunciation. But I couldn't see her cringe.

I was facing the wall. Like the coward I was. I couldn't feel like this with a new friend. It was wrong and stupid.
------------------time skip-----------------

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now