17| crush

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"Where's Ethan?" Victoria asked when she only saw Damiano and I. "He's hooking up with the German girl." Thomas answered honestly, stepping aside to let us in. "Unneeded information." She gagged.

We all sat in a circle and somehow came up with the idea of trying truth or dare. From someone looking on the outside it might've looked like a borderline cult. "Ok truth or dare..... Rianna." Damiano pointed at me after drinking straight from the vodka bottle. "Dare." I answered. He thought about it silently. It was almost like Giorgia didn't exist to him anymore.

"I dare you to drink a shot out of Thomas's mouth." He smirked mischievously. "What?! Why me?!" Thomas whined. Thomas layed on his back as Damiano poured the liquid into his mouth. I took a deep breath. I quickly went onto him and sipped it all out of his mouth. It was a lot thicker than I had in mind because it was mixed with his saliva.

Once I did it everyone cheered. "I need water." I gagged as the thick mixture slid too slowly down my throat. Victoria gave me a bottle of water. "Ok.... Victoria. Truth or dare?" I asked after swishing water around in my mouth and spitting it into the trash. "Dare." She nodded. What should I make her do? Anything...

"Spin this bottle and make out for 20 seconds with the person it lands on." I handed her the empty water bottle. She set it on the floor and spun it. I would be down to see Victoria make out with Damiano or Thomas to be honest. The hotel carpet slowed it down quickly. I watched as it spun and landed.

On me.

Well shit.

I didn't even consider that as an option.

I looked at Victoria nervously, my heart pounding out of my chest. "You don't have to-" "No no it- I'll do it." I stammered, butterflies in my stomach. It was awkward at first. We both leaned in, noses touching, foreheads touching, cheeks touching.

Lips touching.

Her lips perfectly cushioned mine. They were so soft and elegant. As soon as her lips hit mine I wanted more. I couldn't control myself so I went in for more. To my surprise so did she. It was such an amazing feeling to know we were kissing for real. We were fully making out now. Her tongue tickled my lower teeth to enter. I accepted it and we fought over dominance. I got my hand behind her head, intertwined in her hair.

My heart started calming down. It felt like I was meant to be on her lips. I began pushing her towards the floor. It felt like we were the only people in the world. Well, that was until Thomas started cheering us on drunkly. "Guys it's been past 20 seconds you can stop!" Damiano insisted. My world came back to reality.

I felt Victoria pull away from under me which made my calmed heart, sink. I pulled away too even though I hated it. It was painfully awkward once again. Victoria coughed fakely to break the silence. That was our first ever real kiss. Her lipstick was smudged all over my mouth. "Uhh... Thomas truth or dare?" She asked. "Truth." He picked. "Hmmm..." she thought.

Victoria avoided eye contact with me altogether. "What's something you haven't told anyone in the band?" She asked, leaning in to hear the secret. "I tell you guys everything no?!" He defended himself. "La Cobra don't do this!" Damiano encouraged him to actually answer. I tried to be present but my brain was trying to compute what had just happened.

"Ok. When we were first starting out busking on the streets. And when we counted the money, I used to take a few euros." He admitted quietly, knowing Victoria and Damiano were going to freak out. "WHAT?! You fucking scammer!" Victoria gasped. I smiled at the use of the sentence I used in the restaurant two days ago. "How much?" Damiano asked.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now