9| Understand

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18+ content!!!! Sex!!!

Damiano pulled Thomas out of the loud club into a bathroom stall. The music blasted faintly behind their awkward breathing. "Wait Damiano-" Damiano raised one of his eyebrows. "What do you want?" He seemed annoyed.

Maybe now was not the right time.

But it felt like if Thomas kept waiting there would never be a right time.

'I want you' Thomas thought to himself. Was it too soon? Damiano had never even confirmed that he was into men let alone his close bandmate.

"Ciaoooo?" Damiano waved his hand in front of Thomas's dazed out expression. "Dam- Damiano. Ah fuck it." Thomas couldn't finish the sentence. It was almost like the words were stuck behind his lips, bursting to come out.

Thomas looked at Damiano. At his sharp face and bold eyes and dashing dark hair. It made him feel sick to his stomach. His bottom lip trembled softly.

"Look Damiano...." Thomas trailed off.

But Damiano wasn't looking him in the eyes anymore. Thomas followed his eyeline to see it was at his placed at his ill-fitted jeans. A dangerous smirk decorated Damiano's lips.

Thomas fumbled uncomfortably. "You're hard aren't you?" Damiano chuckled in that god-awful rasp that made Thomas go wild. Thomas crossed his legs slightly to divert the ever-so-wanted attention away. Damiano got closer.

His hot minty breath tickled Thomas's face. "It's alright. I don't bite." Damiano whispered. Thomas wasn't sure if Damiano was teasing him or not but he couldn't take the chance. If he made a mistaken move that would be all the band would talk about for months.

"Unless you want me to, that is." Damiano enhanced Thomas's rise in his jeans. If he was joking, this was a horrible joke. Thomas couldn't tell. He was too caught up in those daring eyes.

They were both now closer than they had ever been, bond-wise. Thomas could feel every hot breath Damiano put out. He looked down briefly at Damiano's forgiving lips. He just wanted to know what they tasted like when he meant it again. What they felt like when it was the real thing, just once more.

Damiano noticed him staring. Thomas felt a warm hand cover his ear and jawline, then move up to entangle his hair at the back of his head. He looked back into Damiano's eyes lustfully.

"Say. It." Damiano whispered lowly. That was the last straw for Thomas. All those stage kisses were not enough. "I need you." Thomas mumbled, still wondering if this was some cruel joke.

Damiano's nose hit Thomas's, facing down. Then he tilted left and slowly placed his lips on Thomas's. Thomas didn't fail to give back the same energy. He pressed himself against Damiano eagerly. Damiano pulled away.

Oh god.

Was this a joke?

"Not so fast. I have other plans." Damiano tutted. Thomas felt a wave of heat coming over him. Damiano slid his hand carefully around Thomas's waist. He felt Damiano's palm, swing from his waist to his bulge.

He lightly tugged on it, teasing Thomas's clearly eager attitude. Damiano locked the door then went back to the same position.

"Don't move. Or there will be consequences." Damiano ordered. Thomas nodded quite nervously. This is what he had wanted since day 1.

He felt Damiano's figure move down his chest and to his jeans. His sweaty palm rubbed the jeans from the outside roughly. This was enough to make Thomas gasp. "You like that hmm?" Damiano looked up at Thomas. Thomas propped his head down to get a better look. "Answer me you bitch." Damiano snarled.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now