2| Mean

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"What are you saying Victoria?" I looked at her terrified and nervous face. I couldn't predict a thing. "I'm saying... I love-

"RIANNA?!" Ethan yelled. It was just a dream. "What?!" I groaned. He ran into my room and stood there. "What?" I asked again. "I had waffles in the fridge and they're not there anymore." He put his hand on his hip accusingly. "I just woke up and you're accusing me of eating your waffles? Vaffanculo." I cursed at him.

Sometimes I feel I'm a bit too mean to Ethan I mean he is letting me stay in his apartment. "So you can curse in my language but can't tell me where my waffles went?" He raised his dark eyebrows. "Yes." I rolled over. "Oh nevermind! I ate them last night." He sighed in remembrance.

"Great story, that's one to tell to the grandkids." I joked. "Also the band is meeting at 2 in the studio so if you want to come along then be ready." He explained before going to find something else to eat.

I looked at the clock. 11am. I repeated the same routine as yesterday, shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup. By the time I was done it was
12:30 so I made sandwiches for Ethan and I.

"So what do you think of the band eh? Not so bad?" Ethan asked me. "Yes they're great." I agreed. "Who's your favorite?" He laughed. "You of course Edgar." I blew a kiss to him sarcastically. My phone buzzed.

You coming to the studio at 2?

I picked it up and responded.

I'll be there don't worry 😌

"Making friends already hmm?" Ethan referred to the text. "Yes. You've got good taste in friends." I smiled.

"Wow this place is beautiful!" I exclaimed, getting out of the car to see the 'Måneskin House'. "Not as beautiful as you." Ethan play-flirted with me. Victoria ran out of the door and into a hug. I hugged her back. "You two seem to be getting along well." Ethan nodded before greeting Damiano and Thomas.

"Why so excited to see me?" I asked Victoria as we walked into the house. "A lot of reasons." She grinned. We got to the studio room. Everyone seemed to have a designated corner. Damiano pulled a stool over to his and sat me down. Everyone set up there instruments.

"What do we call the song we made yesterday?" Victoria asked. Damiano looked at me. "Rianna you decide." He smiled. I ran through all the lyrics in my head to decide on one. "Lost?" I suggested. "She's a natural!" He cheered. "Ai! Wait what's the bridge?" Thomas asked.

"Oh right I wrote it last night!" Damiano pulled out his notebook. He read out the whole song start to finish.

Say it again, it won't change a thing
We're stuck where we are, we can't fly without wings.
There's nowhere left to runaway, we've traveled the whole world, and all there's left to say is, nothing you haven't heard.

It's destiny it's fate,
Can't turn back it's too late,
Live our lives with our fingers crossed
I love you, but we're lost,

There's no more spark between us to light up the empty road, I guess we'll walk in darkness, nothing like it once glowed. We've got so little space, try to restart you and I, nothing seems to work there's no sparkle in your eye.

It's destiny it's fate,
Can't turn back it's too late,
Live our lives with our fingers crossed,
I love you but we're lost.

"Ok here's the new part ready?" Damiano cleared his throat.

Your smile is dimmer, the lines are thinner, we've got no way to win, my eyes are tired, our guns are fired, you're better off with him.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now