23| questioned

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There was a big couch in the room we walked into. The interviewer prompted Victoria and I to sit in the middle, Thomas and Damiano to sit on one side and Ethan to sit on the other. The only things running through my head were what questions were going to be asked, I didn't have time to think about Natasha now.

A crew member handed ya each a microphone and told us what to say on the count of three.

"Heyo! This is måneskin!" We all smiled at the camera when the count of three ended. "We are here at H7 magazine to answer our fans questions." Damiano finished, looking into one camera.

"Ok, first up, @vicseyeliner asks: Do you have any hidden talents?" The interviewer asked from a card and then put it down to look at us. "Ooooh...hidden talents?" I looked at everyone curiously.

"We'll start with you Ethan." The interviewer started. "Uhhh...I don't think- oh actually I can juggle. I can juggle...." he struggled to find the word for oranges so he made a weird notion with his hand. Victoria looked at me with a 'you know what I'm thinking about' look. I shared the same look back.

"Oranges. And you can also cook too!" I finished his sentence. "Yes, Yes." He nodded, remembering. Next was Victoria. "Secret talents... I can play the piano but that's not a secret is it?" She laughed and then looked at me for my answer. Secret talent? I don't think so?

"I don't think I have any but Thomas is really good at dancing." I answered honestly. Thomas took the compliment. "It's true yes." He nodded and then looked at Damiano. "I'm a man of many arts." Damiano leaned back cooly.

"No, seriously, uhhh... I can play the guitar? That's mine, yes." He nodded. "Great. Ok @riannaxvic asks: is there a rule about dating within the band?"

Someone's username is THAT?! "Oh, I don't think so, no." Ethan shook his head. "Whatever happens, happens." Victoria shrugged mysteriously. This fake-dating was strange when it wasn't officially announced.

"Interesting! @gina347 asks: what was your latest fight with someone in the band about?" The interviewer asked. I looked around at everyone. "I think it was with...Rianna was it?" Ethan asked me. "No way! Ethan and I never fight." I laughed, telling the camera. "My last one was with Rianna over..family stuff." Victoria explained vaguely.

"Mine was with Thomas over the X-Box." Damiano giggled. Thomas nodded admittingly.

"@manesexy56 asks: who is the best cook?" The interviewer asked. "Ethan 100%!" I said instantly. Everyone agreed. Ethan flicked his hair vainly. "Really? What did you cook last?" The interviewer continued. "Lasagna." Ethan smiled.

"This one might be..uncomfortable but it was the most common. @chiliandvic asks: what are your sexualities?"

Oh yikes am I ready to come out to our fans? I mean, they already ship Victoria and I so maybe they expect it. "I don't like to put a label on myself." Ethan shook his head.

"I'm bisexual." Victoria smiled proudly. "Ahh... I'm not quite sure but I'm not straight." I answered awkwardly. Thomas looked at us, speechless. "Can we get a different question?" Damiano cut me off just as I finished, saving him.

"Sure!" The interviewer switched cards. "This one is for Rianna.." I shuffled into a straighter posture. "What is it like being the only Irish girl in a group of Italian musicians?"

I sat in my answer for a bit... what do I say? "It's actually not that bad, the guys and Vic aren't super mean or anything like that and we get along. We do have a few differences but that's normal." I nodded.

"Who is the worst singer?"

I looked at Victoria but then passed it off as looking around the room. "Oh Victoria definitely!" Damiano chuckled. "Hey!" Vic pouted. "Yes I agree." Thomas mumbled. "Me too." Ethan answered. Victoria looked at me with a fake-sad face. "No, I think me." I lied. That's what the number one rule in relationships are about right? Protecting your loved one?

No. It's honesty. But it's like the second one....I think.

"Alright! Nearly there, how many unreleased songs do you have?"

"Oh... well in the album we have about 13/14, which is coming out next week so PRE-SAVE IT!!" And other than that, Rianna has a lot up her sleeve." Damiano answered. "Yeah that's true." I titled my head.

"Ok, one more, Are Rianna and Damiano dating?" The interviewer asked. My brain stopped working.

All I could see was me drunk on his couch, him fighting with Giorgia. Shit. I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"No, no." Damiano denied. I couldn't speak. Where was all this guilt coming from? "No, totally not." I answered finally. Great, I took too long to answer and now all the fans are going to make those weird edits where whenever Damiano and I look at each other it will go slow motion. Yes, I binge watched a lot of Måneskin edits.

"Ok thank you all for joining us!" The interview waved. We all got up and went to get change out of these outfits. "Don't change!" Victoria whined as she saw me go back to the dressing room. "Why not?" I raised an eyebrow. "Because you look really se- cool. You look really cool." She corrected herself immediately.

Holy shit? Was she going to call me sexy? Wait... maybe it was for the dating effect. This was too confusing ugh. "You too." I shook it off and got changed back into jeans and a tank top.
---------------------time skip---------

"Rianna you don't look good." Ethan expressed after I showed him a cool edit of us all. "Wow, thanks." I sighed. "No, you look pretty I just mean you look...worried?" He insisted.

I looked around at his apartment as if there was anyone else there to hear me. "Yeah...because I kind of am." I shrugged, looking back at my phone. "About?" He sat.

"About my songs, Victoria, my appearances, my impression, my image, telling Victoria I love her tomo-" I stopped myself. No way. That was just an idea, it's not going to happen.

"Telling Victoria you love her? TOMORROW?!" Ethan gasped. "Hey! I never said that..fully. Besides, I'm too scared to do it anyway." I mumbled. "Scared? What like she's a killer clown?" He joked.

"Ethan, I don't even know if she..likes me like that. It's so confusing with this fake-dating thing. It's like, one second she's telling me how pretty I look and the next she says I'm her best friend. I don't know what she thinks of me!" I rambled.

"I know Victoria, a lot more than you do. I haven't seen her this happy since Dami and her we're together. Trust me, she definitely sees something in you." Ethan spoke.

I knew he would never lie. Falling for Vic was terrifying. I could never tell her how I feel like that.

"You don't have to do it tomorrow, or next week or next month. Do it when you're ready." Ethan rubbed my shoulder. "You're the fucking best!" I kissed him on the cheek. "Yes, I'm aware." He said, making me chuckle.

A/n: sorry this is a bit short, we're getting closer just hold on a little longer.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now