50| the start of something new

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Victoria came back just as I was getting dressed. "I don't know how you're allowed a pet in the apartment, is it not against the rules?" I started to question as I pulled a sweater over me. "Snitches get stitches." Victoria warned me. "Ooooh a criminal!" I joked.

"Are you packed for tour?" Victoria asked, coming into the bedroom. "More or less." I shrugged, putting on deodorant. She looked at the sprawled open suitcase with messy unfolded clothes on the floor. "Right..." she nodded.

"What are we doing today?" I changed the subject from my messiness. "Work." Victoria said bluntly, making me groan. "You don't have to do much, stop complaining. There's probably a fully written song in your head." Victoria pushes me lightly. There was a knock on the door.

Victoria went out of the bedroom and answered it, making Chili bark a bit. "Buongiorno donne!" I heard Ethan's voice call. I ran out to the front door to see him holding a container of some sort of food he had made. "The chef strikes again!" I joked as I took it out of his hands to let him come in.

He played with Chili before sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here eh?" Victoria ruffled his hair which caused him to give a death stare since he hated that. "Checking up on my besties." Ethan sprawled out his arms as to say 'obviously'. "Besties?" Victoria raised an eyebrow. "I accidentally taught him that and I regret it." I whispered with a giggle.

"Well... actually..." Ethan sat up straight. I was intrigued. "I wrote a new drumming sequence last night." He grinned proudly. "Last night? As in..like 2am?" I questioned since he was the reasonable one who went to sleep early.

"Spark of creativity." He Jazz-handed. "Show us!" Victoria begged. Ethan took out his phone and played an audio recording. It started of slow and then sped up to insane amounts. I nodded along my head to the beat.

"That's so catchy." I admitted when it was finished. Victoria got out her bass and began playing a few notes. "Wait so we're going to have a writing session without Dami and Thomas?" I reminded them. "They won't pick up." Ethan shook his phone. "Gay version of Jim and Pam from The Office." I mumbled.

Victoria's notes played until she got a pattern that she liked. It was music that made you want to get up and dance. Ethan threw me my notebook that was on the kitchen table. "I'm going to have to write new stuff for this..." I admitted because nothing in the book felt compatible.

"We're inspirational, no?" Victoria posed like a renaissance painting. "Am I not your muse?" Ethan gasped in fake offense. "I just don't want to fuck it up. It sounds so good." I shrugged. "Who cares, we'll tell you if it's shit, promise." Victoria nodded.

Guess I better prepare something...

She's written by a poet
Enemy to lover
Judge a book by its cover

"It's shit." I looked at Victoria and Ethan. Ethan was shaking his head frantically, insisting it was good. "It's
Just not the vibe....." Victoria admitted honestly. "Thank you!" I sighed in relief, she was being honest.

I needed something more badass.

"I can't!" I sighed as nothing came to mind. I scribbled something down.

Looks like bad news
Long hair, tattoos

"I love it!!" Victoria gasped as I hummed it along. "Ok.." I tried to keep going.

Staring at her
(Don't go)
Cute Disaster
(Don't know)

Regretting is for later
I know what I want now
I can't seem to hate her
Karma will come round

Need her
Need her
Like the air I breathe
Need her
Need her
Oh, how bad can she be?

"That fits so well!" Ethan high-fived me. "Good, I was starting to stress." I admitted. "Hold on... is this about me?" Victoria wondered. "Yeah, bad cop, remember?" I smirked.

Something, special
(Like she's)
Angel, devil
(In one)

"Let's take a break it's lunchtime anyway." Victoria pouted. We got the spaghetti carbonara that Ethan had made and heated it up. We ate it in the kitchen as we chatted.

"You're going to love the tour life Rianna." Ethan smirked. "No I won't, I'm not good with travel." I sighed nervously. "You'll be fine, you have all of us eh?" Victoria smirked.

Tomorrow. A new chapter of my life. Crazy to think so much has happened and yet it's only just started....

A/n: the last chapter of this book. To every single reader, thank you. Thank you for commenting your opinions, belong me with my mistakes, voting for the chapters and lost of all belong me with tough times. I'm truly so grateful for everyone.

Thank you.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now