3| Nothing

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I woke up with drool pooling out of my mouth. My eyes slowly focused. Dark brown eyes stared right at me. I jumped in fright.

"Jesus. Damiano what are you doing." I sighed tiredly. "Well, you are on my couch." He pointed out. Oh yeah. There's that.

I sat up so he had room to sit. My head was going wild. Pounding and echoing, it was unbearable. "Oh hangover huh?" Damiano cracked a cheeky smile. His voice echoed a million times in my sore brain.

I just wanted to sleep. "I'll get you some water." He suggested and went to the kitchen. I clutched my rumbling stomach. Not the best feeling inthe world I have to say.

I chugged down the water the second Damiano handed it to me. "Look I should probably leave. This was just a....one time thing." I explained, wincing at the pain in my stomach.

"You're obviously not well enough. Stay here I'll make breakfast." Damiano ignored me. Why was he so fine? Not as in attracting fine, but as in hungover fine? Well, I guess I did go a bit overboard, but I'm Irish what did he expect?

The sizzling of eggs and bacon relaxed me a bit more. It made my mind think about other things than what happened last night. Like the new songs we were going to write, the new memories that were going to be made, the fame, the money.

I scrolled through my phone aimlessly. I had thousands of new followers which made me archive a bunch of old, 14-year-old-me pictures. Just out of curiosity I checked if I had any fan pages, which I did!

I liked some of their content just because I knew they would appreciate it. "Enjoying the fame already huh?" Damiano asked, handing me a plate of bacon and eggs. "Enjoying is not the right word. More like...dreading." I joked, taking a bite.

"It's not that bad, you get used to it." He cockily bragged. Wow his jawline was so sharp, his eyes were so deep and his nose.... "Ciao ciao!"a lady called, entering the house.

Of course. His girlfriend. "Ciao Bella." Damiano hopped up and kissed her on both cheeks. "Who is this?" She made eye contact with me. Once again, my lack of Italian proves to be tricky.

"Giorgia, this is Rianna. She speaks no Italian." Damiano explained, making me slightly embarrassed. "Oh! Rianna of course! New member of the band so Damiano says?" She smiled warmly.

I hated that this was my first impression. In her boyfriend's baggy t-shirt, eating breakfast on their couch. It can't have looked good. "Can I talk to you for a second please?" She looked at Damiano.

That's got to be something similar to 'can I speak with you?' Right? He nodded. "Alone?" She looked at me then back at Damiano. I could tell she was only speaking Italian so I couldn't understand. They went into the kitchen.

I could hear the tone of her voice change very rapidly, from 'hello baby' to 'you fucking idiot'. I couldn't exactly translate what they were saying but I heard a lot of 'cazzo' being thrown around so it probably wasn't a nice conversation.

Oh shit. Yes, she definitely thinks I slept with him. Damiano defended himself and insisted he never did anything.

Then they both stopped. Damiano came back out to where I was. "I'll meet you at the studio at 1 ok? Here's money for a cab." He took out his wallet and handed me €20. I found my pants and shoved them on. I grabbed my phone, jacket and notebook and waved goodbye at him before heading out the door.

I didn't even have a bra on and I was hungover so running wasn't the best option. I heard more yelling coming from the house. He probably hates me for that. Or... he will. I called a cab.
I knocked on Ethan's door. I heard the drumming from inside, stop. He creaked open the door. "Oh Rianna? I didn't expect you to be coming back till later.... you know since you and Damiano are-" "We did not do anything, so can you please just let me inside!" I growled.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now