5| but I do

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"Can I think about it at least?" I looked at her. "Ahh please Natasha. Don't put this pressure on her." Victoria nagged.

"You've got a week." Natasha patted my shoulder. Oh how reassuring! A week to rethink my whole life!

"Where is Damiano anyway? Everyone said they saw him last with you?" She changed the subject. "Uhh we recorded a song here and then he left. Back to his house I'm assuming." I shrugged. "No. Before that." Natasha tightened her blonde ponytail. "Look Natasha we have to-" "No no, let Rianna speak." She interrupted Thomas.

"Well, I'm staying with Ethan but he had someone coming over so I went home with Damiano instead. Well I mean, I didn't go home with him. We just went back to his house and wrote a few songs. That's all. Why?" I worried. "Because his girlfriend alerted me that he didn't come home at all." She explained, leaning back.


"Where the fuck is he then?" Victoria confusedly looked at me. I didn't understand. "If you're asking where he is, I don't know." I looked at her. "Maybe your text messages say otherwise." Victoria loomed over me, peeping at my lock screen. "Guys, I didn't send him away! I didn't even want to do the fan interviews trust me!" I defended myself.

"Loosen up Rianna." Thomas laughed. "Just get him back here for the next interview. I trust you kids can work this out. We need the lead." Natasha stood up straightly.

"I'll let you get on with it then. Rianna, if you make up your mind then text me." She walked out. Why did she show up so suddenly? One minute I was watching Thomas twerk, the next I was rethinking my whole career path.

I came to Milan for a gap year. I was supposed to go back to college. I was supposed to get a degree. What do I choose?

Victoria could see the nerves on my face. "Call Damiano ah?" She suggested to take my mind off things. I called Damiano. He answered.

Rianna: "Damiano?"
Damiano: "Why are you calling me?"

I heard rustling from his side of the line. "Well? Where the fuck are you? Giorgia told Natasha you didn't come home." I worried. "You've met Natasha huh?" Damiano chuckled. "Damiano, Giorgia is probably worried about you." I kept the subject on track.

Victoria pretended to scroll on her phone but was really just listening to me. "Look, I don't want to see Giorgia right now ok?" Damiano sighed. "Why?" I asked. I knew I shouldn't be in his business but I couldn't help but feel like it had something to do with me. "You really are interested aren't you?" Damiano breathed out deeply.

"I just want to know if you're ok!" I answered. "Hey, if you don't want to tell me then text Victoria. If you really can't stand me that much." I laughed. Victoria looked at me by the mention of her name. "Rianna, things haven't been good lately. We argue about... everything. And now she sees a girl in my t-shirt on our couch...." he trailed off.

"I'm sorry. I really am. If there's anything I can do-" "I just need to be alone right now. Helps the brain think, and hopefully I'll get some lyrics out of it." Damiano cut me off. The poor thing didn't want me to feel sorry.

"Will he at least be back tomorrow?" Victoria questioned. "You can hear all this?" I whispered, covering the microphone on my phone. She gave me a guilty look. "Victoria wants to know if you'll be back by tomorrow." I said to him. "Yeah, yeah I'll try to meet you guys." Damiano agreed. "Ok, keep safe and again if there's anything-" "I get it Rianna. Bye bye." He cutely hung up.

I tossed my phone onto the couch. It buzzed with another phone call. "You're not fucking serious." I groaned. I let it ring. "I think you should answer that." Victoria suggested. "Why?" I asked, picking up my phone. Oh shut. It was my mom.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now