19|everything's A o-Gay

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Eventually, the guys came back upstairs to our room along with Thomas's guitar. Ethan brought his little leg-drum which I found hilarious, I'm not sure why.

We all took a selfie and Victoria captioned it 'hotel session 🤟'and posted it to @maneskinofficial story.

My phone came up with a call. My mom. "I gotta take this, but feel free to look through." I handed Damiano my notebook with the page open.

I went to the bathroom and answered the call. "Hey mom." I sighed. "Hi sweetie, I saw a video of you in Germany yesterday... what are you doing there?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

I guess it's time to come clean about the 'gap year'. "Mom.... I'm part of the band now. I'm getting my paycheck tomorrow so I'm not leaving Italy anytime soon." I explained.

"But honey, you got into an amazing school... and you're just going to flush it away?" She argued. "Mom, I really don't need to be guilted into it right now." I talked. "Rianna I'm just looking out for your future, I mean.. do you think this is going to actually get you anywhere?"

Yikes. My own mother. That hurt.

"Wow, harsh." I sighed. "Rianna, I'm just saying-" "Well maybe don't." I snapped. "I'm happy here. A lot happier than becoming a lawyer! Isn't that what you want?" I scoffed.

"Honey, of course I want you to be happy. But I also want the best for you." She explained. It was tough. I knew she was just giving me her honesty but I didn't really ask for it.

"Rianna! Tutti bene?!" Victoria yelled. "Mom I... I have to go, we're writing a song." I mumbled. "I love you Ri, just don't be stupid." She hung up.

Don't be stupid?


I came back into the room.

"We have a melody." Victoria squealed in excitement. I tried my best to match her energy even though I was feeling a bit down.

" 🎵 do we have to go, can't we just lie here, talk about nothing, music to my ears, I don't wanna leave, not till you're gone, shout lyrics we don't know, sing cheesy love songs 🎵 "  Damiano sang as Victoria and Thomas played quietly.

"I love it!" I beamed. Everyone showed off their talents by stringing together the chorus too. I just sat and watched it be pieced together. Maybe my mom was right, is this really the best for me?

I just write words and don't even go onstage. Am I even useful?

"Are you ok?" Ethan asked me. "Better than ever." I smirked, I didn't want him to worry over me yet again.

Everyone played the song start to finish.

"It's amazing! I can't waittttr for the fans to hear it." I shrieked, high-fiving everyone. There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Natasha standing in front of it.

"Oh? Ciao." I was confused. "Just checking up on you guys, the flight is at 5 so meet me downstairs at 3 to leave time for security and stuff ok?" She looked in at everyone. We all nodded.

She was here for a different reason. She could've just texted that. What was she up to?

Natasha walked in and sat down on the bed beside Damiano. "We were just working on a song." Vic explained.

"Can I hear it?" Natasha asked. They performed the song.

"Interesting lyrics Rianna." She noted. She heard all that beautiful talent and she pointed out my work? What about Vic's solo? Or Damiano's high note?

"What do you mean interesting?" Victoria raised an eyebrow. It seemed as though she was getting defensive over me which made me smile.

"It's very....specific." Natasha struggles to find a word that fit. She looked at Victoria them me.

She knows.

She knows.

I know she knows....

"I think they're great." Damiano butted in. "Thanks." I patted him on the shoulder. Natasha shuffled around her jacket weirdly. Almost like she was...hiding something?

"Well, see you all, 3 in the lobby." She reminded us before walking out. "Ahh- Thomas can we talk?" Damiano uttered quietly after looking at his phone to Thomas. Thomas nodded and they went off. Wonder what that's about..

Thomas's POV:
Why was Damiano pulling me into the bathroom? Was he going to tell me he felt the same way? Was he going to give me another... bj? He looked worried, anxious. I shut the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Damiano showed me his phone. An article. "Lead singer of Måneskin and guitarist share passionate kiss that leave audience curious if they are dating!" Was the title.

Fuck my life.

"Pff...why would they...think that." I fidgeted with my bitten up fingernails. "Because... I.. I like you?" Damiano stammered. He seemed unsure. Like he was asking me.

"Really? You feel the same?" I clarified. I swear to god if he was joking I'd kill him. He just nodded slowly. Wow. What are we going to do? Are we dating now?

I felt his smirk get closer to me, smashing his lips onto mine. He pushed me back to the wall helplessly.

"What's taking them so long? Are they fucking?" Victoria joked. "I don't know, I'll check." I got up and went to the bathroom. It was silent inside which was strange. I knocked. No answer. I knocked again.

"You guys ok?" I asked into the empty noise. No answer. What if they knocked each other out or something? What if one of them was sick? What if they fainted? My overthinking was getting worse. I pulled a 'Damiano' and bursted open the door to check.

"Wow!" Is all I could say. Damiano jumped off Thomas. They both looked just as shocked as me. "Uhhh... Rianna.... it's- we're-" Thomas stuttered. Ethan ran over to see what I was staring at. Damiano stood straight (not so much 😉).

He struggled to explain himself. "Look, I'm not going to play it off. Yes, we... we were kissing." Damiano admitted. "Bitch?! HOLD ON!" Victoria gasped and ran towards the bathroom. Her jaw was dropped dramatically.

"Do you guys hate me?" Thomas asked genuinely. "Of course not! Acceptance is our whole brand, duh!" Victoria comforted him. "We can't let Natasha know." Damiano insisted.

"Why not?" Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Long story, just don't." Damiano warned. "So how long have you two been dating?" I asked, still in somewhat shock. "We've never dated." Damiano insisted, waking out of the bathroom and causing us all to follow him.

"When did it start?" Ethan questioned. "That's literally the exact same question Edgar." Damiano laughed.

"It started at the club. Back in Milan." Thomas spoke up. "THAT'S why you guys were acting so weird!" I sighed in remembrance.

Thomas's voice was shaky. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Tutti bene Thomas?" Ethan looked at him. "If my mom finds out I'm gay, she'll disown me." Thomas shook his head.

"She was so disappointed in me when I started fake-kissing Damiano on stage. I can't imagine what she'll think of me now." He worried, sitting down.

"We have your back Thomas. Everyone's a little gay." I admitted. "You understood all that?" Ethan looked at my proudly. "I binge-watched 'Baby' a few weeks ago. I've picked up some phrases." I laughed.

"Just to be clear, I loved Giorgia too, I think I'm pansexual." Damiano clarified.

This was a lot to take in.

"The media... they'll find out I know they will." Thomas was so nervous it broke my heart.No one should be this scared to be themselves. Poor thing. "We'll distract them!" I insisted. "How so?" Ethan asked. Good question...

"Rianna and I will fake-date." Victoria suggested. A bit too quickly, like she had planned it.

Uhhhmmmm what??!!

A/n: sorry for the short chapter, I needed to get Dam+T in the light so I could move on with Vic+Ri.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now