48| instances

672 38 33

The first instance:

"Sorry." I apologized as I bumped into someone drunkly. Her face was oddly familiar....

"No way- NATASHA?!" I gasped, slurring a bit. "I've just come to wish you and the band good luck." She said firmly. Her voice caused shivers down my skin. "No fucking way... get out of here!" I shooed her away, accidentally yelling, making people look over.

"Geez... I was just-" "You heard her." Thomas yelled, cutting her off. It must be awful seeing your abuser standing like that at an important moment in your life. Damiano pushed her, putting his face close to hers. "Move it." He looked in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but we flipped her off.

She stormed out of the house. "Who the fuck let her in?!" Damiano questioned the room. Why was she there? It was obviously not to congratulate us. "I need another drink." I mumbled, going into the kitchen to get one.

I sat on a stool and poured myself a glass of wine, sipping it gently. "Ciao Rianna." Giorgia sat beside me. "Ciao." I smiled lightly. "Are you ok? You seem...off?" She examined my face. "Yup. Better than ever." I grinned, grabbing the wine glass and moving back into the crowd.

That's when instance two happened.

"Why the fuck? You know we hate her, this is our party you can't just let people in!" Damiano argues passionately with someone I've never seen before. I stared at this argument on amusement. I wasn't paying attention to my drink until I heard a horrified gasp. I looked to my right.

Alice's beautiful white dress was ruined. "Oh...my god I'm so sorry- I wasn't paying attention and- I'll pay for it-" I panicked, desperately trying to wipe it down. "Don't panic! I'll run it under the tap!" She insisted. Guilt sank into me. "I'll pay for a new one, name a price!" I begged. "It's ok, really!" Alice said unconvincingly as she rushed to the bathroom.

"Really, I'll get my purse!" I ran after her, filled with regret. "You won't be able to afford it." She said.


I wouldn't be able to afford it? Does she think I'm broke? Does she think I don't get payed as much as the others?

"Excuse me?" I was taken aback by this sudden insult. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that... my English isn't-" "I know what you meant." I sighed. "It's just you haven't been famous for long and... I'm sorry.." she immediately started apologizing. I bit my bottom lip. "Name a price." I got back to the topic. "€300.." Alice mumbled.

Three hundred fucking euros for a DRESS? I cleared my throat, swallowing the lump of shock. I couldn't let another person win me over, I handed her €300, although it pained my soul ever so much. "Sorry, again." I nodded and went off to find Victoria.

I went upstairs, I suspected she had found somewhere less hectic. I opened a bedroom door and was instantly flashed with nudity. I shut it immediately. "And that was people hooking up..." I mumbled out loud, my eyes wide, walking down the hallway.

I got a call on my phone, Victoria. "Hey amore." I smiled, answering. That's when instance 3 happened.

A/n: boringgggg

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now