45| McDonalds

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I woke up pretty early. I posted on my instagram story, just a selfie with a caption 'tomorrow is the dayyyyy' and watched my tags fill with fanpages. It made me feel strange that I was someone regular a month ago and now I'm someone different.

It surprised me that Ethan wasn't up and practicing or in the gym. I went into his room to check on him. His hair was tucked into a cute little bun and his face was smooshed into the pillow. "Awhhh." I said out loud at the cuteness of it. He peaked open an eye and jerked in surprise.

"Spiacente." I giggled, feeling a bit guilty. He stretched tiredly. This day was already different from the rest. We had breakfast and found out what we were doing for the day. We only had something at 3pm so I worked a little bit.

"So then, she says that I'm the ugly sister?" Victoria scoffed. We were in a cab, on our way to yet another meeting about the tour. "You have such good genes, I'm jealous. Both you and Nica are gorgeous." I pouted. "You do too, your sister is hot." Victoria admitted. My jaw dropped. "What? Honesty is the best policy!" She raised her hands.

"You two are so strange..." Damiano chuckled. At least we were strange together. "We're here!" Thomas clapped, taking off his sunglasses and tucking them away.

We all climbed out of the cab and into the music label's building. We were guided to a conference room and sat down. "Hello everyone, today we will be going over the tour." A man in a suit announced. "I'll translate for Rianna." Victoria insisted.

"The tour starts two days from tomorrow, remember if there is delays then they will affect your show so try to be packed and on time to every flight. We have arranged some sight-seeing and some promotional interviews here and there. You will mostly arrive in the morning, have a rehearsal and sound check, have a concert and then leave around lunchtime the next day. If there's any questions feel free to ask." The man spoke. I struggled to follow but I understood a few words. Victoria explained everything as fast as she could.

"Is there any sort of fan-meet-and-greet? We always feel bad when fans are waiting and we don't get a chance to talk to any of them." Thomas explained. "We can arrange something like the one you had in Russia, I'm sure." The guy nodded. "Where's Giorgia?" Ethan looked around.

"She's getting the stylist and makeup artist for you to meet." He nodded. Victoria was under so much pressure to translate everything that her face was going red with overwhelmingness, I giggled at this a bit.

"Ciao, Ciao!" Giorgia's voice called as she entered with two other women. "This is Britney and Polina." Gorgeous pointed at the stylist and makeup artist. I waved politely. After a few more explanatory sentences about the tour we went off to get measured by Britney for our clothing sizes.

"I feel like a princess." I smirked, looking over at Victoria. "You are." She winked, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. "Ok, Victoria!" Britney called for her next. I went on to Polina who sampled my skin shade to get a good color pallet going. "Oh wow, you're very pale!" She laughed as she layed it in contrast to the rest of the band.

"Yes, I know." I blushed.

After 3 hours of non-stop busyness we finally got out. "Vic, help me pick an outfit for the release party tomorrow pleaaaase!" I begged, grabbing her arm like a child. "The good shops in Rome close right about now..." Victoria checked the time on her phone. I pouted in disappointment.

"Just borrow something from me!" She bumped my shoulder. "I have some stuff I need to pack at yours anyway, why not." I shrugged.

Chili jumped up on us as we entered Victoria's apartment. "Let me get the options!" Victoria called dramatically, disappearing into her closet. I sat on her bed as she fished three every article of clothing. 10 minutes went by quickly. "Could you take any longer?!" I laughed, even chili had left the room in boredom.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now