46| release party

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"Buongiorno bella!" I heard Victoria's voice call me out from the foggy sleep I was in. "Morning Vic." I smiled, squinting my eyes to adjust to the light. "I'm so excited!!" She shrieked. "Me too!" I agreed even though we had just woken up.

This was going to start a whole new path. Nerve-racking.

Victoria took a shower as I checked my phone. The votes had come in on my Instagram for option 4. I tried to take a moment to soak in everything. This was real.

I'm famous. I'm living my dream. I am here. And not to mention I'm dating the hottest woman ever and have incredible friends.

I'm just waiting to be shaken awake from this fantasy.

Victoria came out of the shower. "How do you always look good?" I groaned at the unfairness of it all. "Awh sucks." She flipped her hand. I reluctantly got up and took a shower. Big day.


To get rid of some of the nerves we decided to take Chili on a walk to the nearby park. I felt Victoria's stare on my as we walked down the grassy path. I looked at her, making eye contact. She smiled her iconic smile. "What are you so smiley about?" I giggled, looking back down at Chili.

"Lots of things." Victoria smirked mysteriously. Somehow the butterflies in my stomach were the same as when I first met her. "Life's going to be crazy after this, let's just savior the moment." Victoria breathed in, but stopped immediately and coughed. I sniffed the air. "Ai!" Victoria tutted. Chili had taken a shit. I laughed at the fact Victoria's 'motivational speech' had been ruined.

I bagged it and put it in a trash can nearby. The day was slipping away so quickly. Once we had walked around the whole park, we had lunch at Vic's apartment. The party was starting around 7 so we had plenty of time.

A notification from my mom came up.

Getting tickets for the Ireland show as soon as they drop 😁

The thought of my mom at a rock concert made me giggle slightly. She was a very calm and quiet person. "You know who's going to be at the party tonight?" Victoria asked, tucking into her sandwich. I narrowed my eyes. "Who?" I asked suspiciously.

"Alice Pagani AND Benedetta Porcaroli." She said, knowing I would go crazy. "FROM BABY?!?! FOR REAL?!" I was star struck. I knew that Alice and Victoria were already friends but I never expected to meet her, not this early.

"Just try not to be a fan girl, you know how annoying it can be to have to answer millions of questions and stuff when you just want to chill."Victoria advised me. "Y-Yeah totally." I nodded, a wide grin on my face.

After a few hours of doing nothing we started getting ready. Luckily, there was no press allowed soo didn't have to worry about my makeup or hair looking amazing, since I was never very good at that.

I put on the outfit that was the misted voted and began curling my hair. "È Bellisima!" Victoria gasped as she walked into the bedroom to see me. "Grazie amore!" I kissed her cheek and went back to my hair. "You look stunning!" I told her, and it was the truth. She went red as if I was a high school crush.
"Can you do my eyeliner, I can't keep it straight it's too hard!" I whined as I wiped off the third attempt. "It's hard to be straight for you isn't it?" Victoria joked. "Very funny, now help me!" I handed her the eyeliner pen. She told me to hold still and close my eyes.i felt the smooth brush go across my eyes gently as she perfected it.

"Done." She smiled as I opened my eyes. I checked in the mirror. "Ti amo!" It was done like a professional. I kissed her cheek again, leaving an accidental lipstick stain. I rubbed it off with my thumb, smudging it more. "Spiacente." I tried to hold in my laughter. Victoria washed it off.

It was now 6:30. "We should get going, it's a good 20 minutes from here." Victoria warned. She gave Chili a goodbye rub and we both headed out the door.

We arrived at the venue and headed in the door. Supposedly one of Damianos' friend's house. Damiano must have rich friends because it was almost like a mansion. There was soft music playing and purple lighting.

"Let's take a picture before our makeup gets bad!" Victoria suggested. We took 10s of selfies. Guests started arriving. First the other three of the band, then a few friends who I've never met. Most of them didn't speak much English so it was a bit awkward to converse, I awkwardly hovered around Victoria.

The house soon was filled with maybe 50-60 people. Victoria got a text which made her look at my mysteriously. She grabbed my hand. "What's happeninggg?" I asked as she dragged me to the front door. She opened it to show two people.

I gasped. Benedetta and Alice. "Ciao!" Victoria invites them in. I could barely utter a word. 'Baby' is where I learned most of my Italian, although I don't have much. "We heard you were a fan, huh?" Benedetta asked me. "Y..yeah I am." I nodded. "Nice to meet you finally Rianna, Victoria has been going on about you forever." Alice shook my hand.

The real life Ludovica and Chiara knew my name?!? I decided to stop fangirling and let them be normal people. I went over to the snack table where there were tons of elaborately designed snacks. I began eating. "Ri, how are you finding your first party with us eh?" I heard Damiano's voice ask from behind. I held my hand under my chin to stop crumbs spilling. I chewed as fast as I could. "Great. It's great." I nodded, still trying to swallow. He smirked and walked off.

It was now 8:22 pm, which meant there were exactly 38 minutes until the album was out everywhere. "Hey Rianna." I heard Giorgia call. "Hi." I smiled. "Hope this isn't too overwhelming, but the band are going to make a speech around 5 minutes before the release, do you want to be up there with them?" She asked.

I thought about it. "No, I'm ok." I shook my head. She seemed surprised by my answer. "It's their album and plus nobody here would understand me that well, I'll wait till the next album." I nodded.

Next album....that was what I said. So I'm staying here. This is and will be my life from now on. Doing my dream job alongside my favorite people.

A/n: the book is coming to an end BUT there will be a sequel about the tour life available very soon ;) there's a few more chapters left don't worry!!

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now