47| anxious

753 45 33

Time wound slowly throughout the night. 8:35. 25 minutes to go.

"May I take this dance?" Thomas said from behind me. I giggled because it was a Doja Cat song, not a slow one at all. "My pleasure." I grinned, taking his hand as if he were my prom date. We let loose because now that I had this group of people that really got me, I didn't care. I didn't care how I looked to other people. I didn't care what they thought....most of the time.

"Skirt off! Fuck in the backseat!" I sang along as Thomas and I jumped around. I'm aware the lyrics weren't exactly what I should be yelling at a fellow band mate, but it was fine. "Take that shirt off! Baby put it on me!" Thomas sang along too. The lights flashed.

"Got me like yeehaw! Ride it like a horsey!" Damiano came up behind us. "Kinda like seesaw! Up and down on the dick give it to him!" We all cheered a little bit too enthusiastically, concerning the not-so-appropriate lyrics.

"Freak like meeee!" I closed my eyes. The song went on and on as we all got tired. "Save some energy for the speech!" Giorgia joked, yelling over the music. I couldn't see Victoria anywhere. "Do you know where Vic is?" I asked both Thomas and Damiano. No answer. I turned around to see them making out. "Oooook..." I widened my eyes and went off to find her myself.

The hallways of this mansion made me dizzy. I couldn't find her in any of the bedrooms. Upstairs was quiet. That was until I heard a certain sound. Crying.



Why does this have to happen on a night like this? Poor soul.

I knocked on the bathroom. I heard a sniffle in return. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just fixing my makeup." Victoria lied. "Vic, come on what's wrong?" I leaned against the door. "Enjoy the party please!" She urged. "How am I supposed to enjoy a party when my girlfriend is upstairs crying?" I reasoned.

The door opened, letting me fall slightly since I was leaning in on it. A giggle made its way out of Vic's mouth, making me smile that my embarrassment could at least make her feel better. I shut the door. Her face was puffy red with smeared masses running down it.

I wiped a tear with my thumb from her cheek. "You poor thing, come here." I pulled her in. I knew what was happening, I had read all the articles. She had a mild panic attack. "Take deep breaths ok?" I rubbed the top of her hair soothingly and took breaths with her. Her breaths grew less shaky.

I let her go, looking at her. "Repeat after me..." I smirked. She raised an eyebrow.

She slapped my arm.

"No! Not like that!" I laughed at her lack of slang. "Bitch?"

"In here."
"In here..... I'm the baddest bitch In here?" Victoria repeated. "Damn right you are!" I smiled. I wetted a cloth and began fixing up her makeup. "Sorry I didn't come sooner, Thomas and I were dancing." I explained, taking off the black drippings.

"It's ok, it wasn't that bad..." Victoria shook her head but I knew it was a lie. I checked my phone. 8:50pm. "You ready to get back out there, bad bitch?" I asked. "What's with this 'bad bitch'? Is it a kink or something?" Victoria asked, making me snort with laughter. "NO! It's a way of saying you're a badass!" I explained.

"Oh.. so like good cop, bad cop?" Victoria narrowed her bloodshot eyes. "Well...." I thought about her question. "Then yes, I'm ready good bitch. I'm  the bad bitch your the good b-" "yeah I get it." I laughed as we both headed out the bathroom.

"Finally, cazzo! " Nica was standing there with her legs crossed, waiting. She ran in and shut the door. "Oops." I looked at Victoria as we went downstairs.

"There you are! Come on!" Giorgia called Victoria over. The whole band was standing on an elevated platform waiting to make a speech. Victoria ran up.

They spoke in Italian. "Thank you to everybody for coming here to celebrate the release of 'Una Lettera Per Te'. Making this album over the past few months has been stressful but we've also made some amazing memories." Ethan started off. "There have been a few changes in the band.. obviously.." Damiano pointed at me, making me giggle.

"But I've come to learn that some change is good. Amazing, even. And millions of journalists have asked me if I ever get jealous of Rianna and the truth is, no. She's unique and hard-working and an incredible addition to Måneskin. As for this album, it's a piece of us that were finally ready to share, we hope you love it." Damiano finished off his part.

"I'm not quite sure how to put into words what this project and these past few months have been like. Some was amazing some was really awful, but here we have the end result which is truly everything we wanted and more. Thank you." Thomas said. Victoria stepped in.

"This album will always hold a special place in my heart, not just for the great music we made but for the memories behind the scenes. The laughs, the cries, the fights, the pep-talks... everything! I wouldn't trade it for the world. We hope you enjoy!" Victoria finished off. The whole room clapped and cheered including me. Victoria grinned widely at me from across the room.

"5..4..3...2..1.. ITS OUT!!!!" The room yelled. Everyone jumped and clashed in celebration. Victoria ran to me and kissed me passionately, taking me back. I kissed her back with just as much. "Ai... this lipstick will be the death of me!" I sighed as I saw it was smudged all over Vic's lips. "I don't mind, it suits me!" She smirked.

The night raged on and we all got pretty drunk leading to some.....instances.

A/n: ? Idk

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now