20| fake it till you make it

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"Yeah, like that's going to work." Thomas scoffed. "You don't think we're a convincing couple?" Victoria acted offended.

"No no, don't fake-date. It makes everything...messy." Damiano shook his head. Victoria looked at me with hope of reassurance on her crazy plan.

Of course it was stupid, but I wanted to be with her, even if it was fake.

"I'm down." I shrugged. "Ok! Starting tomorrow, Rianna and I are going to fake-date." Victoria beamed. "Of course you take your own way." Damiano mumbled. "Let's not fight ok? We wrote a beautiful song and are doing just fine." Ethan snapped at Damiano.

We all sat back down and began chatting to pass the time.

----------------------------------------------"Yes, but which button do I press?" Ethan was so confused. I was trying to show him how to use Instagram filters.

"The one at the bottom!" I laughed st the simplicity. Thomas poured a tiny drop water on my head from behind, making me gasp. "You fucking!-" "Cazzo! What did I do now?" Ethan cursed, causing me to look back at him with my phone.

"You boomer! You went live!" I giggled. "Oh....ehh... hello?" He pulled the camera further from his face. There were already a couple hundreds viewers. "Hello everyone, Ethan was trying to use the filters and went live." I explained to the camera.

"I didn't mean to!" He said quietly. "No it's ok." I poured at his worries face. Victoria photobombed quickly, sticking her tongue out at the camera.

"The whole fam is here!" I turned around the camera. "We have... Er Cobra." I pointed at Thomas, making him dance. "We have Dam." I pointed at Damiano who was flipping off the camera because of the nickname he hated.

I turned back around the camera. "We have... Edgar." I showed Ethan, making him do a peace sign. "And of course the most beautiful of them all, Victoria De Angelis." I showed her, giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

She smiled widely at the compliment. Maybe fake-dating was the only way for me to achieve this fantasy.

I began reading the comments. "Ah! Are Victoria and I dating? Hmmmm..." I smirked, looking at her. "Maybe, maybe not." She shrugged. "Who knows?" I teased the viewers.

"Pre-save the album everyone!" Damiano yelled. "Did you guys hear that? Pre-save the album, do it now!" I laughed. I looked at the time in the corner of my phone.


"We have a flight to catch but, you can thank Ethan for this very entertaining live, bye!" I said sarcastically and ended it.

I got up and the boys went off to get their luggage to bring downstairs. "Do you really think this is going to work?" Victoria asked. "What?" I asked, zipping up my suitcase.

"Dating." She said blankly, throwing a bag onto her shoulder. "I guess we'll wait- wait and see." I coughed. Why did I stutter you ask? Because she didn't say fake-dating. She said dating.

Did she mean fake dating?
Of course! Right? Ugh my overthinking is just too much.

I gathered all my things and Victoria and I went down to the lobby along with the others to get to the airport.

-------------------time skip-------------

"You try, go on!" Thomas encouraged me. He was showing off that he could catch skittles in his mouth after throwing them. "I can't!" I laughed. "Ah! Of course you can! I believe in you." He joked. I decided to do it just because I knew how shitty things felt with him. It's the least I could do, other than fake dating my best friend of course.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now