49| stars aligned

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"Meet me on the roof." Is all Victoria said through the phone. "What? What roof?" I questioned but heard the beep as she hung up. Great.

I tried to think about how to get up there and then realized in the master bedroom, out of the window you can climb onto the roof. I did it with some struggle.

As I got out into the air I saw Victoria. She had a blanket layed out and was lying down on it, face up to the dark sky. "You're such a softie." I sniggered as I closed the window behind me. I layed beside her and squeezed in so we were touching.

I looked at her, full of this feeling. Like I was supposed to be here, at this moment. "That one, that's the North Star." Victoria pointed to the sky lit with stars. I laughed. "What?" She looked at me. "You're so cute when you're nerdy." I teased.

She smirked. I kissed her lightly and we layed under the stars for minutes in silence. "Sometimes I wish life could be like this. No worries, just Stars." I began talking. "Mmhm." Victoria hummed in agreement. "And you, of course." I nudged her. "Cheesy." Victoria chuckled.

"It's weird. This party is for us... somehow I don't feel like I belong." I shrugged. I felt her hand wrap mine. "Nobody really belongs. They are just better at hiding it." Victoria advised. I wasn't expecting it to get so deep.

"It's freezing out here Amore." I laughed, my breath showing up in the air. "You're such a wuss!" Victoria teased, nudging me. I nudged her back. We pushed eachother lightly like this until Victoria went a bit too hard and I rolled very fast to the edge of the roof, just above the pool.

"AH! Shit sorry!" Victoria tried to hold in the belly laugh that was clearly about to come. She helped me back up. "Trying to murder me on our first date huh?" I smirked. "Date?" She looked at me.

Oh. Was...was this not a date? Looking at the stars and kissing sounded pretty date-y to me. "Yeah?" I started to question myself. "I never thought about dates before. I guess this is our first proper one, huh?" Victoria nodded.

There was frantic knocking on the window. I laughed and opened it. "Can you two stop being love birds and get downstairs? People want pictures!" Ethan ushered us back inside. "Homophobia at its finest." I said sarcastically. "You can't say that with every small problem you have!" Ethan tutted.

"Fine, Irish-phobic." I smirked as I climbed back into the master bedroom. "Just get downstairs, you are too drunk for this." He watched as I stumbled to find my balance. "I'm not that drunk!" I rolled my eyes, obviously lying.

Victoria and I took a few pictures with people. The party was beginning to die. There were only a handful of people left, it was around 1am or so. I guess people had work the next day or something. "Where are Dami and Thomas?" Victoria asked, looking around.

"You don't wanna know." I widened my eyes. They were the couple I saw in that one bedroom. I was glad they worked things out but MAN I didn't need to see it.

"Who wants to go home?" Ethan asked, sober since he was determined to send people home safely. I pouted at his overprotectiveness. "Me!" I raised my hand. "Me too." Victoria agreed." We followed Ethan out to his car, me stumbling a bit because it was both dark and I was drunk.
"Home sweet home!" Victoria flopped onto the couch in her apartment. I wiped off my very messy makeup and changed into pajamas. "I am so fucking tired!" I emphasized and climbed into bed while Victoria was still taking her earrings out. "Buonanotte amore." Victoria smiled sweetly. I drifted into sleep very quickly.
"Rianna?" I was woken up by Victoria rubbing the hair out of my face. God awful hangovers. "Mmhm?" I whispered. "I'm going to walk Chili ok? There's pancakes in the fridge." She tapped my knee and got up. "Love you." I said as she left. I layed in bed for a half hour before getting up and re-heating the pancakes.

I posted some pictures from last night on my instagram. The tickets for the tour went on sale last night and my mother unfortunately got some. I got a text from Ethan.

Stay hydrated. I bet you have a hangover.

I could hear his tutting from the text, making me smirk as I ate. I just wanted to relax. Before all the chaos of tour went on.

A/n: super short, next chapter is the last chapter of this book 😱😱😱. (Don't worry there's a sequel)

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now