24| i have something to tell you

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"Rianna?!" Ethan yelled. Why is it everyday I get woken up the same way? Ethan yelling my name.

"What?" I groaned, flipping over. He bursted in. "A knock would be nice?" I scoffed, sitting up because he looked panicked. He showed me his phone.

It was a picture of Victoria and I kissing in that restaurant. Somehow somebody got the exact moment our lips touched in the lady-and-the-tramp moment. "Uhhh...where did you find this?" I looked at him.

"You know this was taken way before you two started fake-dating?" He took back his phone. "So?" I was confused. Why was he asking me this?

"So... you were dating Victoria before I knew about it? Are you actually dating?" Ethan rambled his questions. "No! God no! We were doing lady-and-the-tramp with spaghetti, it's obvious...right?" I dismissed it.

"Two girls who show a lot of signs of dating, kissing in a restaurant, and you think everyone's first thought is 'lady-and-the-tramp?'" Ethan laughed at my childishness. "Give me a break! This shit is so confusing!" I layed back on my bed. "I know something that will make it less confusing..." he offered mysteriously.

"Run away to a different country and create a new identity? I was planning on that too!" I said sarcastically. "Tell Victoria how you feel. You were thinking of doing it today anyway weren't you?" Ethan suggested.

Was I really going to do this? Risk our whole friendship like that? I guess I had to...

"It's not that-""Simple?" Ethan finishes my sentence. I hated that he knew me too well. "That's your excuse for everything. Now, here's the plan." Ethan sat down beside me.

I was still in my pajamas and he was explaining a plan to confess my undying love to a girl I met a month ago? Really?

"I assume you're not coming to the tracklist cover art album meeting?" He confirmed. "Do I have to?" I pouted like a toddler. "Ok, so when Victoria gets out of that, you invite her to dinner at her favorite restaurant. Then you...do it." Ethan explained as if it was choreography.

"I'm- what if-" "Stop doubting yourself Ria, now get ready!" He shooed me. I smiled at his interest in my life. I went and took a shower.
----------------------time skip---------

"I got plenty of things you make a run for shawty! Call up Ed Sheehan he in love with my body!" I sang along to my doja cat playlist to get into a hyped mood. I couldn't believe I let Ethan convince me to do this.

I finished my makeup and looked in the mirror. For once I felt confident.
My phone buzzed.

We're wrapping up now, inviting them all back to the apartment so be ready in 10 mins. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

The little running emojis made me smile. I took one last look at myself.
Crazy is the only word to describe what I felt.

I paused my music so all I could hear were my anxious breaths.
"Hey Rianna!" Ethan yelled as I heard the door unlock. I sprinted into the living room. "Hey." I smiled at everyone as they came in and sat on the couch. "Uh, Vic..." I muttered. Victoria turned to look at me. "Oooh you look sexy... what's the occasion?" She wiggled her eyebrows flirtatiously.

I felt my face go red. Did she really just say that?

"Do you wanna... go for dinner later tonight. To that restaurant you love...?" I stuttered. "Yes! I haven't eaten there in forever!" Damiano cheered. My heart sunk. No no no. This was supposed to be me and Vic.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now