26| paella

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TRIGGER WARNING!!(not adding the trigger because it's a spoiler- is that allowed? 😀)

Yeah, what's up?

I didn't know why I was so nervous about Thomas. I'm sure he's just a having a tough day or something. My overthinking was so bad sometimes.

I'm at the Måneskin house

I got up immediately when I got that text. "Ethan?" I asked Ethan. He stopped drumming, taking out an earplug. "I'm going to meet with Thomas, I'll be back soon." I explained, grabbing my purse.

It felt great to finally have a job and be able to pay fo my own cab rides instead of feeling horribly guilty about borrowing money.
I got to the front door, placing an impatient knock on it. It opened a few seconds later to Thomas. He didn't look like Thomas though, he had purple eye bags and red blood-shot eyes and messy hair. My heart snapped in two when I saw him.

"Are you..ok?" I stepped in as he closed the door. "I'm really sorry for...doing this I just didn't know who else to talk to.." his lips trembled. Tears soaked his pale face. I couldn't believe that the once happy, dancing Thomas could be this sad.

"Don't be sorry! Sit with me." I pulled him over to the couch. He looked exhausted. "You don't have to y'all if you're not ready." I reminded him, wrapping my arms around his weak body. I got him a tissue and he blew his nose. "Are you ready?" I asked.

He looked at me, full of gratefulness. Even though all I had done was show up. "It's.. it's probably stupid-" Thomas's voice broke. "No way is it stupid! I promise I would never judge you in a million years!" I said truthfully.

"Well... me and Natasha. We met up last night because she said she wanted to talk more about the album and stuff. It hurt so much to hide this huge piece of me so I finally told her that I was dating Damiano." Thomas explained, his voice clearing up. I could only imagine how hard that must've been.

"She told me that.. that there 'wasn't room for two more queer people and I was 'lying because I wanted to be more popular''." Thomas spoke. My jaw dropped. Is he serious?! Natasha SAID THAT?! TO HIS FACE??

"Thomas I am so-" "That's not the bad part." He shook his head. How could this get worse?

"This next part... I thought it could only happen to women." He started off. What? I was so confused?

"She..." he choked up. "She touched me." Thomas said vaguely. I froze. I couldn't believe my ears. No wonder Thomas is so broken up about it. All I could do was hold him as tight as possible. Until I found the words. How was I supposed to even talk to him about this?

"Please don't tell the band it's embarrassi-" "It's not embarrassing Thomas, I promise. What she did was...literally illegal. I'm- I cant even imagine." I said softly. He looked at me with such hope. Natasha needed to be fired RIGHT the fuck now.

"We're firing her for sure. Then we're going to get you justice. You don't have to be ashamed." I shook my head. I texted Ethan.

Fire her right now I'll explain later.

The truth was, I didn't think I had the power to fire Natasha. I didn't feel like I had any power when I was around her. She was forever putting me down and judging me. I should've known something was up.

"Why don't you take a shower, get cleaned up? I'll make you some food." I suggested to him, hoping to make him feel the tiniest bit better.

"Thank you Rianna. Really." He nodded in gratitude. What did I do?
Fuck. That was a lot to take in at once.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now