32| Giorgia

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We decided to watch Yesterday. It was great, it was about the only guy who knew about the Beatles and he plagiarized their songs and got famous. We both screamed when Ed Sheeran popped up for some reason.

My phone buzzed 3/4 through the movie.

Ethan wants us to meet the new manager, we're getting a cab to Vic's place right now so be ready.

I showed Victoria the text. "I'm kind of nervous." She paused the movie, getting up to put her shoes on. "Why? I trust Ethan, he wouldn't pick someone bad." I insisted.

"I don't know, he can be unpredictable at times." She made an unsure face. "You guys are way too hard on him." I shook my head. "Yeah, I know." Victoria sighed in guiltiness. "Come on." She ushered towards the door. I grabbed my phone and followed her into the elevator.

I pressed the button and the door closed. Victoria's apartment was around 5 floors up, unlike Ethan's one in Milan. We chatted as we waited to hit the bottom floor.

"So you really don't know who it is?" Victoria narrowed suspicious eyebrows at Ethan, we were all in a cab on the way to a restaurant. "No!" He insisted. I smirked. I could tell when he was lying. He always looked down.

"I'm sure she's great Vic. Calm down." Damiano laughed. Ethan nodded nervously, agreeing with him. Thomas looked particularly fidgety. I really hoped he was ok, he is going through some truly horrible shit.

We finally reached the restaurant and got out. We walked in and a server asked: "Do you have a table booked?". Ethan pointed over to a lady sitting at a large table by herself. The server nodded and brought us over. Thomas rested his head in Damiano's shoulder nervously. Damiano planted a kiss on his forehead and rubbed his hair, then immediately stood up straight as a ruler.

I tried to see what caused him to do this and then I saw it.


As in...GIORGIA??

Black haired, tattoed, ex-girlfriend GIORGIA?!

Damiano's POV:
I couldn't believe Ethan had completely disregarding my feelings like this. Just when I had finally gotten over my 4 year relationship break up, he decided to make her our new manager?

She waved at me. Like she didn't know me. Like I hadn't given everything I had ever had to her. Like I was nobody.

I couldn't. I needed to get out. As much as I hated leaving Thomas by himself, I had to.

Rianna's POV:
Damiano let go of Thomas and walked away very quickly. Ethan tried to go after him but I stopped him. "Just give him some time." I told him. It must be overwhelming to see your recent ex in front of you. "Giorgia? Giorgia Soleri?" Victoria squinted her eyes to see if she was seeing right. I sat down at the table.

"That's right." Giorgia nodded. Thomas sat down politely but was severely confused. "Ethan? Explain yourself?" I asked. "Giorgia has the right skill set to be our manager. And we only have to keep her for a few months I promise." He lowered his soft voice even lower at the second sentence.

"We all have a previous history, but this is strictly professional ok?" She looked at us all. I'm all for second chances, plus she didn't really do anything wrong. I hated to admit it but I really liked Giorgia. Victoria didn't seem one bit interested in an apology.

"Sorry about Damiano he..." I pointed behind me even though he was long gone. "It's ok I get it." She sighed, slight expecting it and opened the menu in front of her. The thick awkwardness was suffocating. I cleared my throat to break the silence.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now