27| counting down the hours

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The next day...

For once I was excited to wake up. 'Lost 'was going to be out on all platforms for everyone to listen to in only a few hours! I checked the time on my phone.
I got distracted by a notification from Victoria.

Happy release dayyyy 🤟

I smiled at her excitement. Nothing could ruin today. I wouldn't let anything happen, no drama no fights no feelings. I needed today to go right for once.

I stretched and got up to take a shower.
As I got dressed, I could hear Ethan drumming from the living room. I put on a nicer outfit because of the occasion. I then dried my hair and put on some eyeliner. I didn't feel like doing a full face of makeup today.

I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast. I noticed the lack of drumming. Two arms squeezed my waist from behind. "Happy first release day Ri-Ri!" Ethan congratulated me. I didn't even mind the use of that awful nickname. "Thanks E-E." I mumbled. "Ok I see why you hate it now." He nodded, pulling away and making me giggle.

I put some bread in the toaster and waited. Ethan stared back at me. As best friends are, we instantly erupted into laughter. The toaster popped, making me jump in fright. This only amused Ethan more.

A text from the Måneskin group chat took me from my thoughts.

I was thinking.. since it's Rianna's first release day why don't we get her a MÅ tattoo?

I had never gotten a tattoo. I didn't think I'd ever want one. But somehow, I loved this idea.

Fuck it, let's do it

"What are you smiling about? Did your girlfriend text you?" Ethan teased me, running a hand through his long hair. "Shut up." I went red for no reason. I picked my toast out of the toaster and began to eat it. 5 hours to go.
"I'm scared." I admitted as I sat in the passenger seat of Ethan's car. "I got mine in London, it doesn't hurt that bad I promise." He told me. His words didn't help. I was still nervous about it.

We arrived at the tattoo shop. As we stepped in I saw Victoria and Damiano waiting for me. "Thomas is taking a day to himself. But we're here for emotional support." Damiano explained.

Damiano had already showed the guy the design. I followed him into a room with a doctor-like bed and ink set up beside it. I took off my shoe and sock on my left foot and layed on my stomach. As the guy set up, Damiano asked him millions of questions. I heard the needle whirring. "3..2..1.." the guy said as it hit my skin.

I grinded my teeth to stop me from yelping. It stung like a million bee stings at once. Victoria sat in front of me in a chair while Damiano and Ethan sat on either side. Damiano was watching the tattoo artist with such interest.

It hit my skin again, I clenched my fist. "Hold my hand." Victoria offered, holding it out. My heart beat louder. I grabbed onto it. Her soft hands almost made me forget that there was a needle spreading ink onto my ankle. I clenched onto her tightly each time I felt the pain. She didn't seem to mind.

Victoria was holding in laughter, I could tell. "What?" I asked curiously. "Your face was like.." she made a scrunched up face, showing all her teeth in exaggeration. "Not very emotional-support if you Vic." I giggled at her impression of me. "You look beautiful with any face." She assured me.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now