25| tatooed

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The next day...

For once I woke up myself, not to Ethan yelling my name. I picked up my phone by instinct. There were messages from Thomas to my surprise. They were from 1am. I was curious so I owned them.

Are you awake right now?
Sorry for bothering you.

My stomach churned. Was he ok?

You good cobra??

I tried not to worry too much about it and took a shower. I assumed we were going to be writing today so I threw on a comfy outfit: sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I heard drumming coming from the living room so I walked in. Ethan took out his ear plugs and smiled when he saw me. It melted my heart slightly.

"Ciao Ri." He said, genuinely happy to see me. I ran over and hugged him. "There's more croissants in the kitchen if you want them." He explained. "Ethan the baker huh?" I ruffled his hair and walked to the kitchen.

I put a croissant onto a plate so I wouldn't get flakes everywhere. I needed a break from this life. It was so stressful. Everyday was a whirlwind of emotionally challenging wrecks. Memories from yesterday filled me head, making me grin.

I missed Victoria already. My phone buzzed with a notification. I immediately remembered Thomas so I rushed to see what it was.

It was from Victoria?


I clicked on the link which took me to a news article. The headline read: Bassist and writer of band Måneskin rumored to be dating?

I guess the plan worked 😌

As I sent the message I got a text from Damiano. It seemed like the whole band wanted me!

Thomas seems weird, he won't talk to me will you try?

That's when I became a lot more worried. Damiano and Thomas were both best friends and more recently, boyfriends. If there's anyone Thomas will talk to it's Damiano, not me who he barely knows.

He's not answering me

I set my phone down. Think happy thoughts. I put my plate in the sink and went to get my writing notebook to take my mind off things. I felt in the mood to write.

I opened a page.

Vague details of her life
That she's shared once or twice,
Clear as day in memory,
I know she'll be the death of me

I just can't let her go
Like she's all I've ever known,
Trapped Prisoner in my mind
Every time I close my eyes

I smiled. This was when I first realized my crush for Victoria. It felt like years ago but it was only a week or two.

I brought the notebook into the living room. Ethan drummed and practices as I wrote. Something about his energy inspired me, if that makes any sense.

I couldn't think of a prechorus.

"Write down how she makes you feel and why." Ethan explained, tapping his drumsticks to start practicing.

It's scary to be
Falling so fast
Wish it was gradually
Unpredictable like a weather forecast

I wasn't so sure about the last line so I conferred with Ethan when he was done. "Ok, first of all that's like double the syllables and secondly, I mean this with all due respect, it sucks." Ethan laughed.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now