Just a little extra treat

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(A/n at the end)

*after tour ended*

Rianna's POV:

"You excited to go back home?" Victoria kissed my cheek as she asked. "I'll miss the excitement but I won't miss being so fucking TIREEEED!" I exclaimed dramatically. Ethan high-fives me on that one. "But...I don't know...nevermind." I shook my head, trailing off. "What is it?" Vic later her head on my shoulder. The constant vibration of the airplane didn't make me less nauseous to say this next bit;

"I just kinda feel like my work here is over....I wrote a new album, we did the tour...you guys don't really need me anymore." I shrugged honestly with a sigh. The band didn't say a word, Thomas and Damiano looked at me from behind their seats. "Seriously?" Damiano perked down his sunglasses. I felt my face going hot.

"Y-Yeah. Seriously. Y'know I- I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place, and Damiano, you can write amazing songs on your own! I'm literally useless now." I laughed to myself. Ethan shushed me which got me confused.

"Rianna...you already know what I'm going to say; you are part of the band. You are, just because you came a little late doesn't mean you're any less valuable. And the fans, you saw them in all the countries this tour, they loved your lyrics!" Thomas elaborated in very good English grammar, he's improved so much.

"Fuck off with all the cheesy shit, okay?" I sat up straight, feeling all the eyes on me. "I'll stick around obviously! I'm not ditching you guys, I just... wanted to let you know how I'm feeling, we good?" I shook my shoulders from the pressure. They all nodded.

"If you don't want to be part of the band anymore we get it, it's a lot." Victoria assures me. "I would never think of leaving the band, I just might be a little less active in making every song, maybe I'll just write one or two....is that....okay?" I winced at what I was suggesting. "That's okay, completely!" Damiano put up a thumbs-up because his seat was in front of ours.

"You'll still help me out though if I'm stuck, right? I mean with your italian skills now you'd practically be able to write with me in Italian too!" Damiano peeked his eye through the gap. I poked it with my finger and he yelped, causing all of us to laugh. "Of course Dam, I'll always be there for you." I winked in a joking way.

"Attention all passengers, we will be landing in 20 minutes, please ensure you are in your seats and your seatbelts are fastened, thank you!" The intercoms speaker blared. "How do you feel about coming back to Ireland with me, just for a couple of weeks?" I asked Victoria. "I'd love that!" She pecked me on the cheek again. I smirked to myself, this is the life.

This is what I truly want to do, I've found it.

A/n: it's been a couple months since the final chapter so I just wanted to give everyone a clearer ending :) I tried making a sequel but it just sucked a$$ not gonna lie, I hope you all enjoyed this little ending and I hope to see you reading another one of my books but for now,


Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now