30| i love you

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A/n: kinda fucked up I meant train instead of flight^^^^

I fell asleep on my bed. I didn't dream, I couldn't I was too stressed.

"Bonjorno!" Ethan sang from outside my door. I would be annoyed at him, but it was too cute. I got up and opened the door to see him holding a bag from the local bakery. "I love youuuu!" I pouted at his thoughtfulness. He handed me the bag with an Apple Danish inside. "Today's the big day eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows as I walked to the kitchen.

I sighed shakily. "Sure is." I nodded, taking a bite out of the sweet pastry. "You got this and you'll love Rome." Ethan encouraged me. His English improved so much that it barely sounded like his second language. "Mwah!" I placed a kiss on his forehead. Ethan high-fived me. I went to get dressed quickly as our train was leaving in a few hours.

I got in sweatpants and a tank top to be comfortable. I checked the time on my phone to see Damiano had texted me.

I hear you're confessing your love to Vic today huh? 🧐

Who the fuck told him?

Where did you hear that?

I wasn't much of a better liar than Ethan to be honest. But I was lying this whole time. Every time Victoria looked at me my heart would burst into pieces. She felt like the one person who got me. Sure, Ethan got me in terms of knowing what I needed and when to comfort me. Damiano connected with me through writing. Thomas thought I was somehow someone he could talk to..

But Victoria. From the first time her bright grinning face stared at me, she got everything. "Ri-Ri hur-ry!" Ethan clapped in syllables. "Coming!" I called. I made double sure my notebook was in my bag.

Ethan grabbed me and we shuffled downstairs. I climbed into his car and we got on our way to the train station. "You look sick, do you need some water?" Ethan looked at me then straight back at the road.

The 'He needs some milk' vine played in my head, making me giggle out loud. Ethan looked at me with rightful confusion. "No I'm.. just really nervous." I assured him, fiddling with my hands. "You'll do great!".

I hope so. Victoria hasn't texted me in a while. I miss her silly emojis and spelling mistakes and random voice notes. I missed her. Even though we would be right beside eachother it felt like we were in completely different worlds. I know it's my inner sentimental poet coming out, but it's the truth. She completes me.

I fastened my seatbelt as Damiano and Thomas got into the cab. I didn't want to admit it, even though Rianna has been such an idiot lately, I still miss her. Even if our friendship is nowhere near to going down the drain I am secretly scared it might.

See, the first time her eyes met mine I felt my sole light up. Sure, I've fallen in love before, but never like this. Never like my whole world piecing together one by one the more time I spend with her. Never so complete.

But who am I kidding? She literally said she was tried of me... how in the hell could she like me back? "Gross!" I came back to reality, looking at Thomas and Damiano kissing passionately. "Homophobic eh?" Thomas teased me. He could tell I wasn't in the mood. I shouldn't have had sex with her, I'm such an idiot. I wish I could rewind back a few days and nothing this big could happen.

Rianna's POV:

"Take a deep breath." Ethan told me as we pulled into the train station. I breathed in all the oxygen I could manage, I was going to need it when I inevitability started choking up in front of Victoria. I could never find the right words. Which was ironic, because finding words to describe feelings was literally my job.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now