41| Makeover

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We had the rest of the day free after lunch, we weren't sure what to do with it. "Måneskin doesn't do 'free time' we do writing time." Damiano said, making us all groan at the thought of working any more.

"We could go see a movie?" Thomas suggested. "There's nothing on." Ethan shook his head, as the secret movie critic he was. "What do we do then?" I whined of boredom as we stood in the parking lot, waiting. Waiting for some sort of idea.

"We do have to do rehearsal sometime this week so we may as well get it out of the way...." Damiano mumbled. He got the exact reaction he was expecting. "Oh, like you have a better idea?" Damiano grumbled in frustration.

I felt a bit out of place. Everyone in cool, unique outfits and then there was me in jeans and a t-shirt. "Makeover Rianna." Victoria said as if she was reading my thoughts. Everyone seemed pretty on board with this decision much to my offense. We began walking to some shops. This was going to be fun.
"No, I look bad in it!" I yelled out to the band who were begging me to come out of the dressing room with the outfit they picked.

"Ah! Come on!" Victoria booed. "Boooooo!" They all calmed after me. I took a sigh at their childishness and pulled back the curtain. A not the outfit I disliked, they all had great taste. It was me. My body. I didn't like the way it hugged my hip dips and showed my stomach bulge out.

(Inspo at top of chapter)

Something about them all hyping me up made me forget about all that though. "Che Bella!" Ethan kisses his hands like a chef making me giggle. "It really suits you!" Thomas insisted. "Una Bella ragazza. (A beautiful girl)" Damiano insisted. I blushed at all the compliments, trying to be humble and not take them.

"Fashionable and sexy. 2 in one, if you will." Victoria winked, making me grin. "Ok I'll get it." I succumbed to their praise. They all cheered as I changed out of it to buy it.

After getting some more clothes, I followed the band. I didn't know where we were going because they insisted it was a surprise. "Ethan! Come on, I've been your best friend for-" "No no no." Ethan shook his index finger. (A/n: if you know 'nonono' marry me)

"We're here." Victoria wiggled her eyebrows. "I don't get it... a hair salon?" I raised an eyebrow. "I think purple hair-" "Wait you guys want me to dye my hair?" I scoffed. Their faces all said yes. I've had dark hair all my life I never even considered dying it because it would be too tricky.

"I can't... I mean what if-.." I worried, standing. They all gave a collective 'come on, you know you want to' look. I took a deep breath, not believing I was going to let 4 Italian people who I've known less than a year convince me to dye my hair. "Only the ends of my hair. Nothing more!" I compromised.

They all high-fived. We went into the salon and Victoria explained what I wanted done. We got an appointment immediately since it wasn't busy. I sat down and the stylist began to bleach the ends of my hair. No turning back now.
Victoria took a selfie with me while the foils were wrapped in my hair. She posted it to her story with the caption 'dating an alien' which she found to be hilarious.

Once the bleach was done, which didn't take to long because we were using a dark color, she began applying the dye. It was a pretty deep purple so it fit with my hair well. Maybe this impulsive decision was the right choice.
After washing and blow drying my hair I was done. I turned to the mirror. I never knew my hair could look this good. I got so excited. "Grazie!" I thanked the stylist and got out my card to pay.

Ethan, Damiano and Thomas has gone off to get coffee and wait for me to be done. "It looks amazing Ri!" Victoria gasped. "I know!" I grinned widely. "Thank you for making me do this!" I kissed her on the cheek. I payed and we left to meet back up with Damiano, Thomas and Ethan.

When they saw my hair they instantly started to flood me with compliments again. It was such a nice thing to be appreciated overly, although that sounds vain.

"Technically we could still work, its only 5pm." Damiano checked his phone. "Let's just do it then." I agreed. He hugged me because his plan was finally going ahead.

We got to the studio. It was a bit more intimidating than the one in Milan because it wasn't hidden in a house, it was a proper studio. The band rehearsed most of the new album which I enjoyed listening to live for the first time.

Then we began to work on a new song. Ethan had made a drumming pattern so we based it off that. Victoria made a simple baseline to go with it and of course Thomas went to work on his amazing skills and created something great.

I had brought my notebook in my bag just in case if this moment so I was flicking through it, trying to find a page that wasn't utter shit. "Give me something Ri, come on!" Damiano begged impatiently because the others were already practicing the new sequence.

"Ok, I have one but again I don't know if you'll like it..." I said, I sometimes forget I'm writing for Måneskin and I just write how I feel. "Nonsense, we didn't hire you for bad songs Ri." Damiano looked over my shoulder.

We somehow don't fit the mold?'
that's all they care about
We don't do what we're told
But we won't shut our mouths

Let me be who I was born as
Is that too much to ask?
I'm not harming anyone
You're living in the past

Listen to what you're saying
I'm hopeful and I'm praying
That I'll make it out alive
With differences like mine

you're jealous that I am
everything you couldn't be
So go and turn your back
Finally let us be free

"I fucking love it, it might be my favorite if yours." Damiano nodded as he read it all. I sighed in relief. He began to figure out a melody to go with what the others had already began making. It came together within 20 minutes and we were ready to move on to V2 and the bridge.

I began thinking like 'Zitti e Bouni', and 'In None Del Padre' since it's a similar theme.

A/n: sorry that this chapter is short, I have school and stuff to focus on but I joked you enjoyed it and leave some comments if you want SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTERRRR

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now