14| Germany

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The next day...

"Rianna! Come on the cab is outside!" Ethan rushed me. I scrambled around my room to find my phone. I grabbed my suitcase once I found it and ran over to Ethan who was standing (im)patiently at the door.

He shut the door and we both walked down the flight of stairs.
-------------------time skip------------
We got out of the security checking and went to gate 132 where Natasha, Damiano and Thomas were already. "Hi." I greeted them all tiredly. Damiano grinned charmingly while Thomas half-waved. "Rianna, first time traveling with the band eh?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Yes." I nodded. "There's going to be fans at the airport in Germany so be aware and try not to be bitchy with them." She advised.

"Why would I be bitchy with our fans?" I asked, somewhat offended she would say that. "Never mind. Oh there's Victoria." She looked behind me. Damn. Maybe her disliking me wasn't in my head.

I sat down beside Damiano. "What's up?" I asked at his anxious expression, trying to distract myself from Natasha's comment. "Can't smoke in airports." He shrugged, I assumed he smoked a couple cigarettes everyday. "That sucks." I nodded even though I didn't smoke. "Not the only thing that sucks." Thomas mumbled just enough for me to hear. Damiano pushed him very harshly.

"Yikes." I laughed. "Donuts anyone?!" I heard Victoria's voice approach. I both dreaded and longed for her. I took a pink sprinkled donut out of the bag she had gotten from the airport bakery and began scoffing it down since I hadn't had breakfast. I caught a judgemental look from Natasha which made me feel a lot more self conscious.

"Gate 132, 132 boarding!" The speaker blared.

We boarded the plane.
"Damiano you can't post stuff like that! It sets a bad reputation." I heard Natasha tutting from the seats behind me. I rolled my eyes lightly. A child began crying. Which put me in a much better mood! No of course not. "What are children so emotional about all the time? Oh no you didn't get a cookie! It's not like they have bills to fucking pay, freeloaders." I rambled in frustration to Ethan who I was sitting next to.

"Says the one who cried when you saw the music video of Parole Iontane for the 100th time." Ethan laughed. "Rude." I grinned slightly.

AirDrop from Victoria's iPhone
Accept or decline

I accepted the airdrop. It was a candid picture of me she had taken from the back of my head with the caption: 'I'll follow you until you love me papa paparazzi' from Lady Gaga's, Paparazzi.

I airdropped her back a picture of Ethan leaning his head on the window with a sad black and white filter on it with the caption: 'hello darkness my old friend'.

------------time skip------------
I was expecting fans but not THIS many. So many young faces.

"Everybody one by one!" Natasha clapped like some school teacher at the fans. They were holding up their phones and taking photos as videos all over the place. I looked at Victoria with worry so she squeezed my hand to tell me it was ok. "Excuse me? Can I get a picture with you two?" A girl asked.

"Sure yes!" I nodded and put my arm around her and Victoria's shoulders for the picture. The fan then took out a notebook. This is it Rianna, the moment you've been waiting for. The autographs.

She handed me a sharpie so I scribbled down my name as neat as I could, then passed it to Victoria.

"Rianna!" A teenager called from behind me, making me whip my head around. It was so weird that people knew my name. "Hello." I grinned. "Can I have a hug?" He asked shyly. My heart melted. "Of course!" I opened my arms. Yeah, still weird.

"Can I get a picture with everyone?" He asked after he pulled away. "Yes, one second." I looked over him to see where the rest of the band was. I called them all over quickly and we posed with Damiano's classic IWBYS-limp pathetic-hand.

"Thank you so so much!" The fan shrieked as soon as it was over. There were tears in his eyes. This was fucking crazy.

I followed Victoria to another group of fans. I took notebooks and t-shirts and signed them one by one. It was so overwhelming but it felt amazing to know everyone here knew my name. Even though I had only joined this week., and they hadn't heard any of my stuff yet.

"I have a question." A German supporter called over the group. "Yes?" Victoria asked. "Are you and Rianna dating?" She asked bluntly. I choked on air. I passed it off as a weird cough. "No, no. Nobody in the band is dating anyone." Victoria answered professionally. "What about Damiano I thought-" "Ok! The band has to get to the hotel but thank you all for showing up!" Natasha saved us from that awkward situation. For once I was glad to hear her annoying nasally voice.

I finished the t-shirt I was signing and grabbed back my suitcase to follow the band off. I waved at the numerous fans as we walked. "Jesus Christ. I can't do that everyday." I sighed in relief to Victoria. "They're sweet, Rianna. Lighten up!" She teased me as if I was ungrateful.
-------------------------time skip-----------------
The cab ride was boring until we started to play songs. Damiano seemed in a tired mood but he still sang his heart out.

'Olivia' by One Direction came on.

"Ooooh I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love OLIVIA!" We all sang, much to Natasha's annoyance. We clapped in unison to the clapping part. "I LIVE FOR YOU! I LOVE FOR YOU OLIVIA!" Victoria and I made eye contact. The song kept playing, nobody really knew the lyrics that well so we mumbled along.

Ethan started filming us for his Instagram story. Thomas waved his arms to the rhythm. It was like we were all in a bar.

"DON'T LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO!" Damiano sang in his rock voice. "DON'T LET ME GooooOOOOOO!" We all sang. Ethan stopped recording. The music stopped suddenly. "We're here." Natasha smiled fakely and slid back the door of the cab.

God forgive me, I hated her. Why did we even need a manager? What happened to Martza?

"I forgot to mention, I booked this back when the band was four, so you'll have to share a room with Victoria." Natasha told me. Victoria winked playfully at me and we all walked into the hotel. We all got our room keys and Natasha told us she had a meeting elsewhere.

"Vaffenculo." I mumbled under my breath as she left the hotel. "Rianna!" Victoria gasped over-dramatically. "Oh shut up!" I shouldered her lightly. "Por che ti sente lontanne, lontanne la me..." Ethan hummed lowly. I giggled slightly as we all got into the elevator. "Por Che ti sente lontanne lontanne la MEEEE!" Thomas imitated him.

"Do you even need a singer anymore eh?" Damiano put on some sunglasses. "You don't need sunglasses inside!" Thomas teased. "I need them to block out the haters." Damiano smirked with the perfect reply. The elevator doors dinged and I walked down the hallway with Victoria to our room.

I creaked open the door. One. Fucking. Bed.

Whatever I can't think about that now, we've got a concert in a few hours.
A/n: sorry for short chapter I promise there's more coming really soon

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now