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After a few more episodes I grew tired so I put my plate in the sink and headed off to bed. "Buona notte!" Ethan called sweetly after me. Ethan made me feel like there was at least someone on my side all the time.

I woke up at 9. I didn't go on my phone for once I just layed there and thought. Am I really going to tell Victoria? How?

I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen. "You look like you got into a car accident." Ethan looked at my hair. His face instantly faded to shocked. "NO WAIT- NO I DIDN'T MEAN TO.. shit!" He slapped his forehead tiredly. I was confused. Oh...yeah my sister.

"It's ok!" I laughed at his millions of apologies, pouring myself a cup of coffee. "We're recording 'closer' today." Ethan explained to break the awkwardness. "When?" I asked, taking a sip.

"At 12." Ethan answered bluntly. His phone buzzed with a call. He held up his index finger as to say 'one minute' and went to another room. I raised an eyebrow. Why did he want to hide it so bad?

I turned on the radio because I didn't want to check my phone. I didn't want to see an apologetic Victoria text when it was really my fault. I didn't want to see Thomas be hurt again, it broke my heart. I didn't want to.

'Lost' instantly began playing. I gasped. It's in the charts already? Well, I guess måneskin is pretty famous but still, it was like a star struck moment. Ethan came back into the room, he looked awfully on edge. "Are you ok?" I scanned his face, putting an arm on his shoulder. "Yep.." he nodded strangely.

"Spill it, what's going on?" I read right through him, sitting down. "I'm fine! I'm just going to go to the gym." Ethan insisted, grabbing his gym bag. "If you say so.." I replied with suspicion. "Hey is that Lost on the radio? That's cool!" He changed the subject, then headed out the door. If Ethan was a criminal he'd be caught in a day.

I got my notebook and began to write. I decided to write an 'I love you' to Victoria, just to try it out.

After 10 minutes I had a blank page still. My mind was filled with doubt and worry so how could I possibly write something positive? I shut the notebook and got my phone in defeat.

Just as I suspected, texts from the other members.

Shut me down a thousand times,
I'll rise up a thousand more,
Don't you dare tell me to hide
I've done it all before

Lyrics from Damiano: check.

Did Ethan get on the new manger thing yet?

Text from Thomas: check.....

I was kind of disappointed in a way that there wasn't anything from Victoria. Of course I didn't want her to apologize, that wouldn't be fair at all, but she normally sent me good morning texts everyday. Stop overthinking, she's probably just busy.

Instead there was a text from Ethan, who had left the house 15 minutes ago

I lied about going to the gym

Yeah, no shit you're a horrible liar 😌

But then... what was he doing out this early?

I'm getting a new manager.

SHUT THE FUCK UP?!? NEW MANAGER?? Already? Ethan is a legend and I stand by that statement.

I texted Thomas back with the news.
I then asked Ethan to keep me updated. I put my cup in the dishwasher and went to take a shower and get dressed. This day was off to a good start.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now