12| but how

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We ordered Thai food.

Victoria turned on some music to lift everyone's spirits. The playlist was mostly Italian songs, like she had previously warned me but I didn't mind, they were still good.

We began to dance loosely. Of course Thomas took the floor with his skills. His feet shuffled back and forth as he wiggled his arms everywhere. Needless to say it was entertaining.

Then a slow English song came on. One I knew. 'Slow Dancing In The Dark' by Joji. Victoria and I knew all the lyrics. That's how I knew she could be my best friends. We had so much in common.

"WHEN I'M OUT HERE SLOW DANCING IN THE DARRRRKKK!" We begin to get louder and louder. The dim lighting reshaped her face. She looked like a princess. Or an angel. Barely human. It felt like her eyes glowed so bright I couldn't see anything else.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME YOU'LL END UP IN MY ARRRRRMS!" She sang. But it was like she meant it. Those words. Those stupid words.

The whole room drowned out. Just her beautiful face staring at mine and her not so beautiful voice singing lyrics. (Sorry Vic). Her smile, blinding me. 

The song kept playing, but I could barely hear it. Oh shit.

Do I have a crush on Victoria?



"YOU LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS SOMEONE...else-" I sang to get back in the zone but the lyrics meant more now. They meant different things.

"Finally some good music!" Thomas cheered as the track changed. The room came back. I could see everyone.

My head hurt. Why couldn't I just live the normal life of a song writer for a famous band? Ok... yeah that sounds stupid out loud.

Our food finally came and we sat down to watch TV.

Needless to say we were all very indecisive.

"Young Royals." I suggested.
"No way that looks boring. Stranger Things!" Victoria begged.
"We've all seen that Vic. What about Baby?" Damiano looked at us to get our opinions, me shoving curry and rice into my mouth.
"That's just because you have a fat crush on Benedetta Porcaroli. Game of Thrones." Victoria teased.

"I do NOT!" Damiano gasped. "We're gonna end up watching Cocomelon if we don't choose!" Ethan joked. "Young Royals looks cool." Thomas nodded, making me smile at him.

"No it doesn't, you're just fucking gay." Damiano rolled his eyes. The whole room went dead silent. Not a sound to be heard.

"Did- you just say what I think you said?-" I put down my food. "Damiano what the fuck does that mean?!" Thomas got defensive.

"Let's not have another fight guys." Ethan looked at Thomas with a warning. "Damiano seriously-" Victoria looked at him. Damiano looked back at her with a 'what did I do wrong?!' Look.

"What? So at the club, you're gonna pretend you didn't-" Thomas was cut off by Damiano slapping a hand over his mouth. I looked at them with such suspicion. "Like I didn't see you go off with a guy?" Damiano finished the sentence, with the obvious wrong answer.

"What's wrong with that Damiano? Hmm?" Victoria stared him down, her bisexuality coursing through her veins. "Nothing! Forget it. Let's just watch something else!" Damiano shook off the whole ordeal.

"Yikes. If this is what the band will be like everyday I'm gonna quit." I joked. "They're just being men." Victoria rolled her eyes. Ethan gasped. "Excuse me? I was trying to resolve the-" "Yeah Yeah, Sorry Ethan not you." Victoria swatted at him and then gave me a shared look.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now