35| Album

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Time skip 2 days....

I hung out with Victoria once over these two days. I hate that it's awkward now, not sure if we should kiss, hookup or just sit and talk. I never had the right sense of what was going on.

"The album comes out in a few days, what is the thing you are most excited for?" The interviewer asked, snapping me from my thoughts. Damiano answered first.

"I'm excited to let our fans have some new content." He said, nodding his head then turning to me who was next to him. "I didn't work on the majority of the album but I'm excited for the fans to hear the amount of talent these guys have." I explained. Victoria dropped her head on my shoulder, taking the compliment.

"A lot of work went into it so I'm happy the fans will be able to hear that and the effort." Victoria answered. Thomas and Ethan agreed with her. "And lastly, Damiano..." The interviewer said over the computer.

Damiano leaned in. "People want to know, if you are in a relationship or not because Giorgia Soleri has confirmed that you two are not in fact together anymore?" She inquired. I could feel the blatant shock. "She..she did?" Damiano raised an eyebrow.

Yikes, that's a sting. "Yes, just last night on her instagram story." The interviewer confirmed. "Oh..well I am actually..." Damiano tried not to look at Thomas. What would you even say in that situation. "In a relationship." Damiano finishes, to my surprise.

"Ok, thank you for talking to us and best of luck on the album:  'Una Lettera per te' which comes out on the 8th of September." The interviewer left the call. September already? Wow summer flew by quickly. Damiano instantly took out his phone and went to Giorgia's Instagram. It was true.

"Why would you say you're in a relationship?" Thomas said to Damiano as he pulled him to another room. "I never said anything about you did I? No. So it's fine." Damiano explained. Ethan tried to distract Victoria and I from being nosy.

"So, how are you two?" He asked. "What are you, our marriage therapist?" Victoria sniggered. "We're great E." I answered him. But I couldn't put on the same smile Victoria had. It didn't feel great. It felt the same as before. Before I spilled out my feelings on a train. Before she texted me her feelings. It felt the same.

"How are you Ethan? You're the player." I joked. He got a bit red...strange. "I'm-"

"Oh..cazzo.." Victoria looked at her phone. It was Giorgia calling. Victoria answered. "Ciao.....yes the interview went great.." Victoria got up to take the call elsewhere. "Poor Damiano eh?" Ethan changed the subject. "E, are you ok? For real?" I asked, he had always asked me but no one ever asked him.

He didn't answer, he just nodded. "You're such a bad liar." I shook my head. I knew he wasn't going to open up about it right now, right here. "Why do you care so much huh?!" Damiano raised his voice so we could hear the argument. "I care about you! That's all I do Damiano! You don't understand-" Thomas yelled back.

"I understand perfectly fine ok? You're embarrassed." Damiano walked back into where Ethan and I were. Ethan got into 'break up the argument' mode, standing up. "Embarrassed? Dami you are everything to me I could never be embarrassed!" Thomas defended himself. Damiano turned to him with almost tearful eyes.

"You don't even want to admit I'm your boyfriend. That sounds like embarrassed to me, alright" Damiano shook his head, lowering his voice to emphasize. Thomas looked conflicted. "There is so much you don't know-" Thomas gulped down a lump in his throat to stop him from crying.

I looked at Ethan who was just standing there, watching it all go down. "That's the problem. You don't tell me shit." Damiano snapped, grabbing his jacket and leaving Victoria's apartment.

Victoria walked back into the main living area. "What's up with him?" She asked me, referring to the door slam. Then she noticed Thomas's expression and her attitude instantly softened. "Ai! Thomas come here." She brought him into a hug. The way she treated Thomas was the way she treated me; a best friend. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Want me to make garlic bread?" Ethan asked, not sure what to do with himself anymore. I sniggered loudly at this suggestion. "Well?" He asked me. "Yeah." I agreed. He went to the kitchen and started making garlic bread. This was such a strange situation. Weird.

"I want to tell people, I really do I'm just...scared." Thomas explained quietly to Victoria. After the amount of Italian TV shows and hours of duolingo lessons at 3am, I understood a lot more than a few months ago.

"Thomas don't be sorry, it is scary." I agreed with him. "Rianna are you just secretly fluent in Italian and not telling us?" Victoria laughed. I cracked a smile at her joke. Thomas turned to me.

"When I first came out, I had waited 5 years. But I knew it was finally time to show myself. It can be really tough keeping it in for as long as you have, I get it. I'm not saying you have to, but if it's something you really want to do, then go for it. Life's too short for keeping secrets." I explained. I cringed at my overly sugar coated wording of things.

He looked at me with an unsure expression. "Rianna I don't think he's-" "No, I think I am ready. If it's for Damiano I'll do it." Thomas cut Victoria off. I was actually surprised by this outcome. Thomas was a very shy person.

"Really? Ok how do you want to do it?" I asked, excited. "We could make an instagram post?" Victoria suggested. Thomas shook his head. "Come out on stage?" I suggested, then realized what a bad idea that was. "I want my parents to know first, then the fans." Thomas explained clearly, tucking back his hair.

"So...pay them a visit?" I confirmed. "Yeah... I guess." He said shakily. I could tell he was off-the-rails anxious. Victoria looked at me, proudly. I lost control and kissed her randomly. No body was expecting that, not even me.

She didn't seem to react. Like it never happened. What??!

A/n: this chapter is short and bad but opinions and predictions are welcommmmeeee>>>

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now