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(A/n: I missed up and didn't explain this but Giorgia moved the studio appointment from 2 weeks to this day)

I tapped my pen to my chin as I tried to come up with a second verse. I looked around at everyone. Queer,expressive, individual and everything that people don't like. But now I see why the band is themselves, because there are people exactly like us who don't have a voice and can't say what they want to. I guess we do that for them, no pressure at all on my part haha....

"Get the creative juices flowing, come on!" Damiano clapped as if that wasn't such a weird way to phrase it. "I'm trying." I mumbled. 

I've heard it all before
And I don't give a fuck
You don't hurt me anymore
Looks like you've run out of luck

"Am I allowed to curse? That feels weird..." I winced, after seeing that we had so many young fans. "Have you heard 'for your love'? 'Wanna be your slave'? Of course you are 'allowed'." Damiano flicked my forehead which actually hurt for a second.

"Ok make the second verse sequence and I'll try to get the bridge." I explained to everyone who were sitting and watching me. They all got to work and it sounded relatively similar to the first verse but had some differences.

"Ahh why the long face Edgar?" Victoria pouted. "I can change my part if you want I'm sure there's room for a drumming solo..." she began suggesting, trying to make him feel better. "No I'm just tired." Ethan sighed, obviously lying.

Your Opinions are outdated
Don't know how long we've waited
To fly over your built up walls
From up here you look very small

"Basically it's saying that when you have reached the success and the good things that the worry about other people's opinion is smaller-" "I'm not that bad at English." Damiano chuckled.

Everyone pieced together the whole format pretty quickly. V1,PC, C, V2, PC, C, B, C. (Check comments>>)

Thomas texted Giorgia that we had finished a new song. It was getting pretty late and we had been at this studio for a few hours. I stretched back in my chair. "Arrivederci!" Damiano began packing up his stuff. Even though he seems like the hardcore rock n roll guy, he secretly loves a night in with his cats.

"Ciao!" I waved at him as he left, Thomas following him after rushing to pit his guitar back in its case. "I don't know who to stay with tonight..." I thought out loud, looking at Victoria and Ethan. "The fight is on!" Victoria joked. "You're like my divorced parents or something." I giggled. "That is such a weird analogy..." Victoria raised a concerned eyebrow as she packed up her bass.

"Sorry Vic, it's a win for Edgar." I shrugged. Victoria shook a fist At Ethan as if she was going to jokingly beat him up but his expression remained neutral. My stomach churned. I needed to find out what the hell was up with him.

As soon as we got in the door Ethan announced he was going to bed early. I looked at him. It didn't seem like him. Messy hair, random outfit, tired eyes. That wasn't the Ethan I knew.

"E, what's wrong with you? Don't lie please." I pleaded. He turned around to look at me. Those eyes I knew but were know unsure. Lost.

"It's so hard to explain, I don't even know fully.." Ethan FINALLY opened up. "At least try, it sucks to see you so bummed out." I sat him down. "Where do I even start...." he gulped.

A/n: SUPER short chapter but sorry :((

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now