7| She Won't

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He caught my confused expression immediately. "Before I sat this, I want you to know that this was all in the past ok?" Damiano looked into my eyes to emphasize the point. I had only started this all a few days ago, now I have a job offer and a grown man opening up to me who I barely know.

"Yeah I get it." I nodded. He took a sharp breath. "On X-Factor Italia, we were sort of a thing....Victoria and I... not officially but.." Damiano explained. I wasn't surprised, just... weird I don't know.

"Oh. Well when did you meet Giorgia?" I tried shifting the subject, seeing he was uncomfortable. "During X-Factor, well... sort of towards the end. It's complicated but point is, Giorgia always thought Victoria and I were still like that. Always. Even though now we're best friends." Damiano's voice wobbled.

"Yikes." Is all I could utter. "Then when it really kicked off I barely had time for her. It's just hard." He mumbled, looking down at his hands, tattooed with pictures and art. I rubbed his buff shoulder soothingly. "It's going to turn out ok. The band and I have your back. You can let it out." I could see he was holding back.

"Rianna I'm so sorry. I'm burdening you with this when I've only just met you. I think I'll just go-" "No no no! Stay!" I insisted. He remained silent. "We don't have to talk about this you know. I've got some news actually." I shifted the subject even though I hated it. He seemed so interested.

"Natasha, your manager..." I started off, he looked at me strangely. "She found out about me writing and stuff... and well, she thinks it's a good idea if I write some more. Just helping you with English songs that's all I promise." I shrugged, scared to see his reaction. His sad lips smiled freely. "That's amazing Rianna! I'd love that." Damiano beamed.

"Seriously? You don't think I'm overstepping?" I gasped happily. "Of course not! Glad to have you on the team!" He smiled kindly. Wow that mood changed quickly. "Sorry for not replying to the texts by the way... Victoria and I-"

"Had sex?" He finished. My face dropped. "No?! What?!" I laughed uncomfortably. Why was I sweating? Did I always have this dry mouth? What the fuck?

"Ok.." he raised an eyebrow. "No we had a sleepover. Why would you even... no." I shook my head. "I was just kidding!" He bumped me lightly. I tried loosening up. Damiano looked guilty.

"So are we... cool?" I looked up at him. He nodded, making me grin. A slight knock made him yell "Come in!"

Victoria cheerfully walked. I got up and left them to talk since I knew she had been meaning to for a while. Ethan was on his phone just messing around. "Hey Ethan." I said, making him look up. "Thomas says he feels left out." Ethan laughed at a text he was sent.

"He's not missing out on much." I said honestly. I found my phone and turned off silent mode. I went to check through the countless messages from Damiano I had gotten.

"So what's the news?" Ethan wiggled his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" I looked up at him. "I'm not stupid. What's wrong with Damiano?" Ethan leaned in. He truly was a mother, he knew everything.

"Nothing. Stop being nosy." I pushed him lightly. He gave me a classic 'come-on-we've-been-best-friends-for-years' look. His kind eyes shone through making it impossible not to trust him.

"Giorgia and him are on a break." I whispered quickly. Ethan made an 'and-I-oop' face. "Don't you dare say a word." I wanted him. He made a zipping action with his lips.

Victoria popped up out of nowhere. "Let's write some music!" She suggested excitedly. "I'll call Thomas." Ethan smiled, picking up his phone. We all went into the recording studio.

We waited patiently for Thomas. He finally opened the door of the studio. "Ayyyy! The cobra! Finally!" The band cheered.

Thomas sat in his corner and set up his guitar. "Damiano? Rianna? Got any lyrics?" Victoria asked, playing around with her bass. I looked at Damiano. I took out my phone and scrolled through the lyrics he sent me, studying each one carefully.

Ghost-Writer// Victoria De Angelis // English Where stories live. Discover now