15. Other double children

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The name of this pair with Jiang Zhen is He Qiusheng.

He Qiusheng's family is also very poor. I really want to say that it is similar to Zhao Jin's family.

Zhao Jia poor, because Zhao Liu's health is not good, Zhao Fugui sold the land to treat him, He Qiusheng's family is poor, but because He Qiusheng's father is gambling.

He Qiusheng's father loves to gamble. He can't help but gamble. Although the gambling is not too big, he also loses his annual output and valuables. In the end, he even loses his field. The life of He Jia has thus plummeted.

Both families have no money, but the life of He Qiusheng is compared with Zhao Jinge, but it is a heaven and a ground. This is because of the number of family members, and because He Qiu grows too well.

He Qiusheng's father is the mud that can't help the wall, but He Qiusheng's two brothers are all hard-working people, and his father has several brothers.

He's uncle is very disgusted with He Qiusheng's father who has never been able to change his mind. He is not willing to take care of him, but he will help him with a few nephews. He Qiusheng and his two brothers will grow up.

Now that the two older brothers of He Qiusheng have grown up, the days at home are getting better.

And He Qiusheng is still very good, which makes his life especially comfortable.

Although He Qiusheng is only a pair of children, he looks better than the most beautiful girl in the village. He is naturally loved when he is young, and the boy in the village is particularly willing to take care of him.

Going out with others to cut the ragweed, he doesn't have to do it, he has to give him the pig grass, and he just has to scream a few brothers sweetly.

When he went to catch fish with others, he didn't have to go into the water. Someone gave him the biggest fish he caught, and he just gave him a smile.

In Hejiacun, He Qiusheng has always been held by a boy of the same age. If he is still young, He will release his words and wait for him to be full of sixteen and then ask him to discuss his family. The threshold of his family is long ago. It was broken by the matchmaker.

Yes, He Qiusheng is still less than sixteen, only fifteen years old, only ten years younger than Jiang's boss, so the two have no contact before, and Jiang's impression of him is not deep – such a Good-looking twins, the former Jiang boss did not dare to take a look.

Jiang Zhen was the first time to see the so-called good-looking twins. I couldn't help but look at it a few times. After reading it, I was somewhat disappointed. He has always liked a man who is strong and expectant, and He Qiusheng... He not only looks like a woman, but behaves more like a woman, and does not fit Jiang's appetite.

"Cold brother, can you give me a snake?" Seeing Jiang Zhen staring at himself, He Qiusheng showed a smile to Jiang Zhen, and his voice was sweet.

He didn't look at Jiang's boss, but the snake that Jiang Zhen caught had made him look a little bity, and he wanted to bring the snake from Jiang's boss. He didn't think Jiang was unwilling.

An old bachelor like Jiang boss, as long as he goes up to make a statement, he will send him what he wants.

"Do you want this snake?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"Yeah." He Qiusheng watched Jiang Zhen lick his own big eyes, his eyes full of desire.

"This snake probably has a weight of five pounds and catches a chicken. You take a chicken to change it with me. I will give you the snake." Jiang Zhendao.

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