170. The foundation of the outside of the country (below)

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Packed up, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge went out together.

What Jiang Zhen wears today is a military uniform.

And Zhao Jinge, he is also wearing military uniforms.

At the beginning, Jiang Zhen's men wanted to find someone to embroider a robe, but it was vetoed by Jiang Zhen.

In this respect, they have no money and no time to spend their time on it. On the other hand, it is the robes, which is actually a big trouble.

Da Qi is still on the other side of the sea and looks at them. If Zhao Jinge puts on the robes, they may be angry and angry!

And Jiang Zhen, he did not provoke the plan of war, but did not want to shoot his own compatriots.

As for Toyo... Isn't he not treating people as compatriots?

Of course, there are still other reasons. For example, Jiang Zhen wants to cancel the traditional costumes of Toyo and the traditional costumes of Daqi.

Traditional culture must be taken seriously, but at this stage, clothes such as robes are still changed first.

Sometimes, if you want to move forward faster, you have to throw away some things. Of course, if you stabilize, you can pick them up again.

Nowadays, his concept has changed a lot, but if the robes are all coming... maybe they want to learn all the big!

The law of the Chinese state he enacted is that the real prince is breaking the law and the same people. However, in Daqi, the powerful people have killed a few people, and no one will take care of them.

Some of his men are actually looking forward to the life of the officials.

Moreover, he has been promoting the wearing of pants for women and children. At this time, Zhao Jinge wore a robe, and Zhao Mingzhu still wears complicated palace costumes.

Those clothes are popular, and the light cloth will be wasted a lot!

In the end, their family, all wearing military uniforms, and among them, Zhao Mingzhu looked the best in military uniforms.

Jiang Zhen looked at his daughter and only felt very proud.

How to get to the base, Jiang Zhen's men are all confused. After all, most of them are born in mud legs. Because of this, there are people who want to follow the example of Toyo.

The man was beaten by Jiang Zhen.

Then Jiang Zhen came up with a set of processes.

In modern times, has he seen a lot of news...

Throughout the ceremony, Jiang Zhen made it very simple.

At this time, don't talk about TV. Even if there are no photos, he will only make pictures of himself and Zhao Jinge, and secretly make up his mind. When the situation stabilizes, he must develop technology.

Technology is the primary productivity, this is not a lie!

The whole ceremony was ordinary for Jiang Zhen. He was not too excited, but other people were different. Many people were too excited. Most people also shed tears on the spot.

Seeing these people so excited, Jiang Zhen was also immune to infection, and finally sighed.

They won, but in the end it is a lot of people who died...

In the morning, Jiang Zhen held a ceremony to encroach. In the afternoon, Jiang Zhen took his men to the martyrs' cemetery and worshipped the soldiers who died on this road.

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