67. Train your people

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After Zhao Jinge had a lot of trouble, Jiang Zhen had a feeling of satisfaction. He touched Zhao Jinge's body over and over again, and Zhao Jinge broke into his arms, so that the two bodies were tightly attached. together. One ~www.mtlnovel.com~ want n book shu·

Zhao Jinge did not refuse at first, but after being shackled for a while, he still couldn't help but push Jiang Zhen: "It's too hot."

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the scorpion on the bed has been replaced with a straw mat. In this case, it is a tossing person to sleep together!

"Get used to it..." Jiang Zhen is actually a bit hot, but he just likes to glare at Zhao Jinge. He really doesn't want to let people go...

Is it customary for the two people to have contact with sweat?

However, Jiang Zhen is so small, he refused, is it not good?

Zhao Jinge is tangled, Jiang Zhen suddenly pressed on him, and kissed him for a while, then let him go: "Well, I am not pestering you, go to bed early."

Jiang Zhen wanted to be close to Zhao Jinge, but he also knew that the two people had been together. Zhao Jinge definitely did not sleep well and gave up the plan.

In the past few days, Zhao Jinge followed him every day and was tired.

Jiang Zhenping was lying next to Zhao Jinge. He didn't entangle Zhao Jinge again. This time Zhao Jinge was much cooler, but somehow, some inexplicably lost.

Just then, Jiang Zhen suddenly reached out and took his hand.

Zhao Jinge took the hand back, even if the palm of his hand was full of sweat, he did not let go.

These days, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge slept early, and early in the morning, but Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui, who were younger and younger, still started earlier than them.

When the two walked out of the door, Zhao Liu was already cooking porridge, and Zhao Fugui was feeding pigs to clean the pigsty. Just a few days ago, Zhao Fugui bought two piglets and planned to raise the New Year. One killed and one sold.

Pig raising is dirty, but Zhao Fugui is very serious and very satisfied.

This is my own pig, it is for the family! As long as he thinks this way, Zhao Fugui will be full of strength. Before Jiang Zhen wanted him to find someone to help him work hard, he was not happy.

Older people have something to do, and they can make their bodies more healthy... Jiang Zhen is so pondered, he does not insist on not letting Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu work, just bring some meat to the house every day, let them eat Better.

In the modern phase, Zhao Fugui, Zhao Liu, who is in his fifties, is careful to eat three greasy, but this time is not necessary.

In this year, everyone is cooking vegetables, and the fat content of pork is much worse than that of later generations.

In modern times, a lot of chicken and duck skins are under the oil. Jiang Zhen has a comrade-in-arms wife who eats chicken or duck. It's all about peeling the skin. At this time... find a chicken in the chicken belly. Oil, that can make people happy for a long time.

It was just dawning, and it was too early to go out. Jiang Zhen found out the sand table he had made, and then taught Zhao Jinge to read the word.

He read the enlightenment book at this time, and then found out what "the heavens and the earth is red and the universe is wild". Many people can't understand and can't explain it. Then he threw the book away. He only taught Zhao Jinge from 1234, and taught him by the way. count.

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