110. Recruitment and school

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"Boss?" He Chunsheng, standing next to Jiang Zhen, quickly rushed to the side of the boat, and then saw that Jiang Zhen was already swimming towards the shore.


"What happened to him?"

"It's hot this day, I want to go to the river to cool off..."


The people on the boat came to He Chunsheng and looked at the river together. Only then did they discover that Zhao Jinge was standing on the dock.

No wonder you have to jump into the river. It was originally to meet your wife and children earlier.

Seeing that Zhao Jinge also ran to the side of the dock, these people suddenly envied.

How can they wait for no one?

Zhao Jinge is actually not deliberately waiting for Jiang Zhen. After all, he does not know that Jiang Zhen will come back today.

However, when he came to the county seat, he would come to the dock for a while as long as he was free, and he was looking forward to seeing Jiang Zhen.

After he became a relative, he almost did not separate from Jiang Zhen. This time, Jiang Zhen went out, he felt very uncomfortable, but Jiang Zhen had not returned in the agreed time...

Today, he originally only planned to stand on the dock for a short while, and immediately went home. As a result... he actually saw the ship of Jiang Zhen!

Zhao Jinge immediately looked out, and then saw Jiang Zhen suddenly jumped from the boat and swam toward himself...

At that moment, Zhao Jinge couldn't wait to jump into the water, but there were countless big boat boats on the shore. There was no place for him to get into the water, so he didn't jump.

After a while, Jiang Zhen climbed up from the river.

"Brother, have you accidentally fallen into the water?" Someone saw Jiang Zhen getting up from the water and asked, but Jiang Zhen turned a deaf ear and then hugged Zhao Jinge on the shore.

"You..." Zhao Jinge subconsciously covered his face with a straw hat - so many people here...

"Ha ha!" Jiang Zhen smiled and let go of Zhao Jinge: "Golden brother, are you here waiting for me?"

"I just passed by." Zhao Jin said, this time he found that he had been drenched by Jiang Zhen.

Fortunately, the relationship is not big... It's already at the end of June, the weather is very hot, and it's wet and cool.

"Yes, you are passing." Jiang Zhen smiled. He had seen a person wearing a straw hat standing there for a long time. He hadn't moved for a long time... How can it be standing still standing still?

Jiang Zhen said, but also pinched Zhao Jinge's hand, Zhao Jinge's face was red, and quickly took a straw hat to cover his face: "You, how come back today?"

"There was another business in the middle of the road." Jiang Zhendao: "Thanks to the business, there is no loss in going out."

At present, the reputation of the Escort has not yet been made. Jiang Zhen originally prepared for the temporary loss of money. Since he also brought some goods, he would sell a brick by the way, so that the balance can be balanced.

However, this time I received a few business trips in the middle, and finally I earned a little.

"That's good." Zhao Jinge was happy at the moment. Before Jiang Zhen said that he might lose money, he was even more uncomfortable than Jiang Zhen.

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