165. Jin Geer arrived

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Hexing House, Jin Zhen Escort.

Zhao Jinge took the pencil that Jiang Zhen made and recorded it on a piece of paper quickly, and his side, several women and children were watching the various documents sent below.

"What is this?" "What do you mean by this?" Occasionally, they will whisper a few words... No way, the words of those people below, some of them are really scribbled, easily recognizable!

Because of this, many things that Zhao Jinge saw, they have to re-write it again... Zhao Jinge can not identify the messy words one by one.

Zhao Jinge quickly wrote the things he wanted to write. He folded the paper into an envelope and sent it to the village of Yabian to Jiang Zhen. Then he looked at the documents compiled by the people below.

One-third of these instruments are written by Jin Zhen Escort, and the other two-thirds are written by local intelligence.

This was requested by Jiang Zhen. At the beginning, Zhao Jinge was still puzzled. He did not understand why Jiang Zhen did this, but now he is aware of the benefits.

This kind of information made him know everything about Hexing House, and when he made various decisions, it was much simpler.

At the same time, it is also the intelligence that allows him to earn some money occasionally.

For example, if the price of food in a certain place rises, he can transport the grain. Some people want to cover the garden. He can send the good wood to the past... Buy low and sell high, do you do business?

As time went by, Zhao Jinge was more and more concerned about intelligence.

At this moment, Zhao Jinge first turned out the intelligence of Yabian Village.

A few days ago, after hearing that Cliff Village was attacked by pirates, he was busy going to the beach. As a result, Jiang Zhen had already gone out to sea.

Zhao Jinge is very busy now, can't stay there for a long time, and finally can only come back.

According to the information sent by Yabian Village, Jiang Zhen has returned from Qinghua Island. Seeing this, Zhao Jinge immediately said: "To prepare a ship, I am going to Yabian Village."

"Yes." The person around Zhao Jinge should have a voice, and then immediately ordered.

Zhao Jinge couldn't sit still. He had already finished the matter of the left and right side of the board. He simply put on a coat and went outside.

Not long after, Zhao Jinge set foot on the boat to the village of Yabian.

The boat he was sitting on was not big, but the speed was very fast. Of course, even in this case, it would take a long time to go to the cliff side village.

After Zhao Jinge got on the boat, he entered the cabin and then let the two twins who were waiting around him to fetch water for himself.

If the child has already become a relative, married to Jiang Zhen's men, and the two sons that Zhao Jinge is waiting for at the moment are bought by Jiang Zhen. These two people are also good at work, and they are very young. There is still something ugly.

Zhao Jinge is now more than 30 years old. If he gets married early, his children can be as big as two little sisters, so that he occasionally feels a little embarrassed to call them.

Of course, even if he didn't call, the two men had already served him very comfortably.

After the water came in, Zhao Jinge took out the face cream that Wen Ying Niang gave him, and then began to wash his face carefully.

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