130. Raising pros and strange

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The man is ugly to cry, but this time, no one will dislike him.

If they encounter this situation, it is estimated that it will be more ugly than he cried.

The people in Hexi Village quietly continued to dig pits. At the same time, they also had a fire, and then began to boil water, ready to cook and eat.

Seeing that the person was very pitiful, whoever boiled, someone took a piece of fried rice from his dry food and handed it to him.

The man silently ate a bowl of fried rice, and the whole person finally got a little spirit. At this time, Jiang Zhencai asked: "What is going on?"

The man has already slowed down and the explanation is slowly explained.

It turned out that since the Hongjiang salt field had gone wrong and many of the principals were killed, many people under the Hongjiang salt field were chaos.

Some of these people are still doing what they used to do. After waiting for the salt field to settle down, they continue to work on the salt field. However, some people think that the Hongjiang salt field is over, and they plan to escape and find another way to make a living.

The two parties, no matter which side, are not friendly to the people on the beach - those salt families will rebel, and the people who are oppressed by them will also think about playing them?

That Hongjiang salt field, in fact, really must be counted, roots are a huge bandit, and now the decapitation of the dagger, the rest of the people in the armpits are naturally in a mess, they almost all fight, for those people, it is even more impossible Passionate.

The village was looted by people under the Hongjiang salt field. They killed the people in the village, took the money of the villagers, and then left the room.

The reason why this man can survive is because he wants to make money for his wife and children. When he goes out to sea to fish in the evening, he just escapes those people.

However, when I came back from fishing, I saw that the people in the village were killed. In the end, he couldn't stand it. In the end, he did not eat or drink in his house for two days, until Jiang Zhen and others made the noise to wake him up.

"What is your name?" asked Jiang Zhen.

"My name is Fang Qi." The man said.

"What are you going to do next? Do you want to follow me?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

"I am following you." Fang Qi quickly made a decision. He has no place to go. He can't follow Jiang Zhen. Where can he go?

The grain and money in this village were basically taken away, but Fang Qi went around and took a bag of food, and some salted fish kelp.

Jiang Zhen and others brought the dry food, but the dry food is kept. The key moments may be life-saving. At this time, there are other foods. They naturally do not eat dry food. They use the food to cook the porridge and eat the salted fish. stand up.

Jiang Zhen also took this opportunity and asked the man more things.

Fang Qi has lived by the sea for generations. He is very familiar with the seaside and knows a lot about it. He knows a lot of things here and knows the location of several nearby villages.

However, the salt households live far away, and the defense there is very strict. He is not clear about the specific situation.

According to what he said, Jiang Zhen added a few strokes to the homemade map he brought.

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