20. Threats and scares

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Jiang Zhen is very clear that Jiang Chengxiang came back with a servant and threatened to want to be obedient.

But if he refuses to obey, then I am afraid it is not just a threat. They didn't have the slightest affection for him. They didn't take him as a son and brother. They just wanted him to be a white worker at the Jiang family. If he refused to give them a horse like the former Jiang boss, they would probably Go to the door to sue him.

He is soft first, and it is useless to find them later. One is not careful. This family may hurt him. He can only start with strength.

Thinking about it, Jiang Zhen continued to smoke Yang Jiang. He started to have a sense of proportion and would not let Yang Jiang be seriously injured, but it would definitely hurt him.

"Forgive, forgive, spare me, Jiang Chengxiang let me scare you, I did not want to catch you!" Yang Jiang began to call for help.

Hecheng County has always been very peaceful. He did a servant in Hecheng County. When there is little need to move a knife, his skills are naturally very general. At this time, he will not beat Jiang Zhen at all, but he can only ask for mercy.

Jiang Zhen really stopped, but not because he begged for mercy, but because Jiang Laotai got up again.

A bamboo pole sweeps over, Jiang Zhen directly sweeps Jiang Laotai down to the ground, and glances at Jiang Chengxiang who wants to climb up to save Yangjiang.

On the cold eyes of Jiang Zhen, Jiang Chengxiang was awkward, but he did not dare to move. He was squatting on the mud, and his heart was surprised and feared. His honest man fanned his big brother who didn't dare to move. How could it suddenly become so terrible? It seems to be murderous...

Sneer, Jiang Zhen picked up the waist knife that Yang Jiang threw on the ground, stepped on the chest of Yangjiang, and put a sharp knife on the neck of Yangjiang: "You want to catch me? Give me a rebellious filial piety." The crime?"

"No, I definitely don't want to catch you!" Yang Jiangdao, again and again begging for mercy, but his heart is not to hate. He has never suffered such a shameful humiliation since he was a child. When he returns to the county seat, he must make the Chiang family look good!

Yes, Yang Jiang not only hated Jiang Zhen, but the other people in the Jiang family also hated it. This Jiang family's boss is clearly a madman. Jiang Chengxiang also let him come to arrest people. What is he?

Jiang Zhen's foot stepped hard and sneered: "You better not want to catch me, or else... as long as you didn't kill me, let me escape, I will find you and make you big. Unloading eight pieces!" It's hard to fight a group of servants. It's easy to escape from a group of servants. Just run faster than them, so Jiang Zhen is not too worried.

Yang Jiang was stepping on his chest, only to feel that the gas could not penetrate, and then heard Jiang Zhen said so, even more shocked.

This Jiang Zhen is quite a bit of a skill. If he catches him, let him run... They catch a thief and let people jump off the river. It is even harder for such a villain to catch it!

"No, it's too simple to unload eight. I have always liked to see people crying. If I put a bamboo stick in your nails, your expression will look good." Jiang Zhenchong smiled at Yang Jiang: "Of course, this is not enough. It is interesting to peel the skin. I will tie you up and cut it from the back neck to the buttocks. Then use the knife to peel off the whole skin slowly... You can rest assured that although you It's a bit fat and not good, but my craft is very good and I will definitely peel it off."

As said, Jiang Zhen's gaze patrolled Yang Jiang's body and seemed to be measuring where to start peeling.

Yang Jiang had been thinking about revenge afterwards, but now he is afraid of Jiang Yin's gaze: "You..." He trembled, and finally only made some happy voices, seeing Chiang. After the sharp knife that killed the pig between the waist and the knives, it was even more involuntary.

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