166. I left Daqi

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Before Jiang Zhen, he had been doing business with Toyo, but recently, he has broken this business.

Not only that, but he also sent some people to patrol the waters near the Hexing House. Once they saw the pirates, they arrested them.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the pirates are getting more and more mad, because they suddenly find that the people of Daqi are really good at grabbing. Most of them even see them and only know how to beg for mercy. force.

Until now, no matter whether it is Dongyang or Daqi, all the pirates have been called by the people and the government.

The suffering is getting more and more serious, and many people in the coastal areas have been defamed. However, the days of the people on the coast of Hexing House are no different from the past.

Those who are embarrassed, do not dare to come to the Hexing government to make trouble.

This is a good thing for the people of Hexing House, but for some people, it makes them sleepy.

When the winter came to spring, when the peach blossoms gave birth to a tree and flowers, a ship went down the coastline along the Daqi, and finally stopped at the pier of Yabian Village. Soon after, it came down from the ship and a cold face. Middle-aged.

The person who was guarding in the village of Yabian was Jiang Ming. When he saw the man, Jiang Ming was a little surprised: "Hou?"

This person who came here has been the one who has let Jiang Zhen help buy grain in these years.

At the beginning, Luo Tianci brought this person to Jiangnan and took him to see Jiang Zhen. He did not tell his identity to Jiang Zhen at first, but later he had cooperation. Jiang Zhen knew that this person was originally a clan.

Daqi has been stretching for more than three hundred years. At the beginning, there were not many people in the royal family. Today, there are already tens of thousands of people. The one in which Qi Qing is located has a bit of a relationship with the royal family, but it has not declined. Qi Qing, it is a bit of a skill, and now has been inherited the title, became a Hou Ye, and is also a general of Liaodong Iron Rider.

"I want to see Jiang Zhen." Qi Qingdao.

Jiang Ming soon brought this person to Jiang Zhen.

"What happened to Qi Daren looking for me?" Jiang Zhen looked at Qi Qing with some incomprehensibility.

"Jiang Zhen, this winter, the monks frequently acted and burned one of our granaries. We also recruited Liaodong Tieqi. Now there are some shortages of grain. I hope that you can buy a batch of grain and send it to Liaodong." Qi Qing Go to Jiang Zhen and immediately.

"Just this? Just like this, don't you have to come over with a big man?" Jiang Zhen looked at Qi Qing with some incomprehensibility.

"Jiang Zhen, I personally came over because Liaodong can't get silver now. If it can, I hope you can make it." Qi Qingdao.

Liaodong Tieqi can't get silver. This is what Jiang Zhen believes.

Don't look at Jiangnan's prosperous life. Except for the coastal areas, the people's days are more difficult than others. The whole people are not very peaceful.

For example, when he followed Zheng Yi to Beijing, many of the roads were affected by droughts. For example, in the past few years, there were floods, let alone the monks who have been eager to move...

Coupled with the fact that many of the officials have more troops and more troops, the court often fails to make ends meet. It is said that sometimes the officials are still in arrears.

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